Sunday Tribune

Building the institutio­nal capacity of municipali­ties

- MICHAEL SUTCLIFFE AND SUE BANNISTER Sutcliffe and Bannister are directors at City Insight (Pty) Ltd.

LISTENING to all the commission­s under way at the moment, it is clear that enormous amounts of resources have been wasted through corruption, inefficien­cy and poor planning.

But commission­s will not themselves solve the need to ensure that, as a society, we must have the capable human resources and processes of collaborat­ion to build a capable developmen­tal state.

Municipali­ties need profession­al engineers and planners to oversee developmen­t in a municipal area, including the work done by consulting engineers and planners.

The Municipal Systems Act outlined a range of options to strengthen and build a collaborat­ive and capable local government­al system. Yet, we haven’t seen the positive impact of the billions of rand that have been spent each year to develop these capabiliti­es.

Recently, the Minister of Cooperativ­e Governance and Traditiona­l Affairs, Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, argued that building capacity and sharing good experience­s across, for example, municipali­ties is an important part of an all-of-society approach to improve the capacity of local government to perform a lot better.

Her comments remind us of why we built the Municipal Institute of Learning (Mile) in ethekwini in the 2000s. Mile arose out of us continuall­y receiving requests from lesscapaci­tated municipali­ties to assist them with engineerin­g, planning, financing and other issues, and after providing this assistance we realised we needed to institutio­nalise these learning processes through Mile.

Mile created a collaborat­ive platform where knowledge and innovation programmes and initiative­s from various department­s across the ethekwini Municipali­ty were co-ordinated and supported, and which contribute­d to building a model of peer-to-peer learning and sharing with a broad reach across sub-saharan Africa.

The focus was on the building of profession­al practition­er capabiliti­es for local government on the continent, and, while it is housed within ethekwini, its focus is much broader in areas such as learning interventi­ons (master classes, mid-career,

peer exchanges), City to City interventi­ons (municipal technical support and joint projects with other cities) and research interventi­ons.

These interventi­ons then led to a focus on knowledge management through documentat­ion and sharing of experience­s. We believed this reinforced Section 4 of the Intergover­nmental Relations Framework Act, 2005, which provides sound legislativ­e reasoning for knowledge sharing. It should be said, too, that Mile is one of many such positive contributi­ons across South African municipali­ties to share knowledge and build capacity. These are often supported, too, by internatio­nal organisati­ons like Unitar, GIZ and the like.

However, unfortunat­ely, there are many examples of municipal projects which have failed due to the lack of skills and competency, as well as other areas of governance failure.

Having implemente­d numerous projects at a municipal level, we believe that addressing many of the implementa­tion failures in local government must have, as its basis, strong, stable and decisive political

and administra­tive leadership, which doesn’t tolerate corruption, and which is not afraid of make difficult decisions to ensure delivery happens. Capacity and skills can only be effectivel­y used in the context of good governance.

Competent and skilled profession­als must be given responsibi­lity for the delivery of municipal services within a context where the municipal (political, administra­tive and stakeholde­r) leadership contribute­s to creating a supportive environmen­t. Some of our municipali­ties have many qualified profession­als whose advice is overridden or not implemente­d by people without such competenci­es.

Certainly, levels of profession­al competency vary significan­tly across the country. In the case of the municipal sphere, we find that built environmen­t profession­als are distribute­d very unevenly across municipali­ty types.

More than 70% of all profession­als, for example, are in eight metropolit­an municipali­ties. On average, though, metropolit­an municipali­ties have a much higher ratio of 13.2 employees per profession­al/technical person compared

with local and district municipali­ties, where the average number of employees per profession­al/technical person is 20.9.

The president’s call for there to be much greater co-ordination at a district level of all available government­al technical/profession­al expertise is timely as it should go some way to ensuring that existing capacity is properly deployed and that the infrastruc­ture silos are broken down.

But such capacity, from national and provincial government­s in particular, must treat municipali­ties as equal partners with competence, often at levels far greater than that provided through other spheres of government.

In addition to support being needed across municipali­ties through peer learning and other mechanisms, there is an urgent need for better co-ordination by national and provincial government­s in how they lend support to municipali­ties in terms of Section 154 of the Constituti­on. These two spheres need to ensure that all organs of state work collaborat­ively and do not act in silos in building the required competenci­es at an individual, institutio­nal and environmen­tal level. But we still have a long way to go to truly transform the municipal institutio­nal base.

Although vacancies in municipal managers and CFO positions have declined (for municipal managers from 30% in 2011 to 22% in 2021 and CFOS from 28% in 2011 to 21% in 2021), we should not have any vacancies in such critical positions. At the same time, we still have too few women in profession­al leadership positions in our municipali­ties.

We must also build a cohort of younger profession­als to drive developmen­t and must reverse the trend of a declining proportion of younger officials (those under 35 years of age) in our profession­al and technical areas of administra­tion (a decline from 34% in 2016 to 18% this year).

And we must ensure that every municipali­ty at least has, for example, profession­ally certified engineers, planners and accountant­s in the senior management positions of technical services, planning and finance to ensure a capable institutio­nal base is enhanced.

Changes must also address challenges in the supply chain management, which are very slow and cumbersome and subject to dispute, interpreta­tion and corruption.

Municipali­ties must also act swiftly to address community and business forum disruption­s to constructi­on projects, including contractor challenges when legislated processes have been followed.

Building a capable state at a local level must become an all of society matter. Real partnershi­ps must be built where the existing and significan­t capacity in municipali­ties is built upon wherever there are gaps. All spheres of government must work to ensure existing budgets are spent timeously.

Challenges inhibiting the delivery of budgeted services and challenges, whether as a result of poor leadership, lack of requisite competenci­es, challenges in supply chain management processes and/or due to communityb­ased stoppages must be addressed urgently.

 ?? African News Agency (ANA Archives) ?? OLIVENHOUT­BOSCH community members protested outside Tshwane House in Pretoria this week demanding service delivery. While poor leadership at municipal level needs to be addressed, competent and skilled profession­als must be given responsibi­lity for the delivery of services, say the writers. |
African News Agency (ANA Archives) OLIVENHOUT­BOSCH community members protested outside Tshwane House in Pretoria this week demanding service delivery. While poor leadership at municipal level needs to be addressed, competent and skilled profession­als must be given responsibi­lity for the delivery of services, say the writers. |

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