Sunday Tribune

Guidance on a path in life SOUL JOURNEY


Q: Good day. I trust this email finds you keeping well. I saw an article in the Sunday Tribune. Please advise on my journey or path in life in general. I struggle at everything. Please also advise on the fee you charge for this reading/help. | KR

A: In your chart, the planet Saturn is situated in the Libra sign. With Saturn being in this sign, it makes you very lucky and you will be successful in the future.

Until January 2023, you are under Shani Sade Sati and then you will be completely free from this cycle.

As per Vedic astrologic­al rule, by the end of 2023, 2024, 2025 and 2026 are progressiv­e years for you.

In these years, success and new opportunit­ies emerge, and your struggle will be at its minimum.

You will be happier and your stress level will be reduced greatly. You will start moving upward in life with some material gain.

Also in your chart, Jupiter is situated with the Moon sign, this makes a “Gaj Kesari” yoga.

In astrology, this yoga is considered positive yoga and will be very helpful for you once Jupiter transits in the sign Pisces from mid-2023 onwards.

Q: Namaste Mahesh, thank you for your advice. I buy the paper just to

Send your name and surname, religion, date, place, time of birth and the advice you require to Mahesh Bang, tribuneher­ or call him at: 031 401 8888. read your column which I have been following for years. Please help with regards to my son.

He is not happy with any job he gets and I am worried he just started a new one. He is a wonderful child who takes care of his parents and fasts on a Monday.

He won’t do any special requests as he says I must not bargain with God. Please advise if we will be lucky in getting married and will he stay in his new job? | Anonymous

A: Thank you so much for your kind words.

Astrologic­ally, your son’s chart is very powerful and he is a very goodhearte­d person. He will get married and he will have a nice wife. He will again leave the job.

Actually, 80% of the reason he leaves his job is because his planet Moon is weak and gives the feeling of dissatisfa­ction with his career.

Secondly, he overreacts to the situation many times.

Astrologic­ally, whenever the moon is weak in one’s horoscope they are prone to have a weak willpower and are very sensitive to other people’s comments and their surroundin­gs.

We have to empower the moon so that he can enjoy his job, hence he will be successful in his career and have a steady job too.

Do the following faithfully:

¡ As we know, more than 70% of our body and our planet Earth is made of water. The planet Moon denotes and controls the mind and water level respective­ly. So in order to align with this planet the best remedy is to drink 8 to 10 glasses of water daily. As soon as your son wakes he should drink three glasses of water. Start with two glasses for a few months and then he can go for three glasses. This simple habit will make the element of water very strong and beneficial in your son’s life.

¡ Your son should chant Om Namah

Shivaya for five minutes daily.

¡ He must try to fast every Monday and when it’s a full Moon. Do extra prayers on these special days.

¡ Do not waste water.

¡ If he gets a chance then he should donate water bottles or milk to the poor.

¡ Chant the Navagraha mantra daily to please the nine planets. Everyone should chant at least three times a day. It’s an extremely powerful mantra to please the nine demi gods (navgraha). The powerful Navagraha Shanti mantra is: Om Brahma Murari Tripurantk­ari Bhanu Shashi Bhumisutah Budhhashch Gurusch Shukrah Shani Rahu ketavh Kurvantu Sarve Mumh Suprabhata­m. It means: (In the early morning). We pray to Lord

Brahma (Creator), Murari (Vishnu), Tripuranta­kari (Shiva, the slayer of demon Tripurasur­a) and all the nine planets: Bhanu (Sun), Shashi (Moon), Bumisuta (Mars) and Budha (Mercury), Guru (Jupiter), Shukra (Venus), Shani (Saturn), Rahu and Ketu, may they make our lives happy and blissful.

¡ He must follow a proper ritual on Sharad Purnima night, when the Moon is at its brightest and closest to Earth. This miraculous night is coming around the corner. (Please continue following my column and you will see the proper ritual to be followed on this night.)

Q: Please may I have advice regarding my career and finances. | VB

A: According to your planetary alignment, next year after your birthday your luck will rise again for a few years.

Thereafter your career will move in an upward direction.

Finances will improve simultaneo­usly but your chart also gives me a glimpse that you will have a sudden expenditur­e.

To minimise your unwanted expenditur­e, you should fast every Friday, and two to three times a year you should offer kheer to your favourite deity.

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