Sunday Tribune

Make the most of an auspicious day JOURNEY


Q: I AM a Hare Krishna devotee from Chatsworth in Durban. I will be joining the police force this year. Will I be successful? | RMN

A: Astrologic­ally, this year the planet Saturn is transiting over the sign Aquarius. This is the time when your luck will rise again as per your birth chart. So you should do well and you will be successful as Saturn is very favourable for you in the transit. Your future is very bright.

Tomorrow, February 20, is Somvati Amavasya which is considered to be a highly auspicious day. According to the words of great sages, on this day by meditating, fasting or doing charity one will receive manifold benefits.

You should observe this day. Read below the importance of this day.

Somvati Amavasya is a very important day in Hinduism. Amavasya, which falls on Monday, is called Somvati Amavasya. According to the probabilit­y theory of astrology, the occurrence of Amavasya on a Monday can happen once or twice in a year. It is said that worshippin­g any form of God as per your faith and religion on Amavasya gives immense benefits.

On the day of Somvati Amavasya, charity should be given according to one’s ability. Those who cannot observe a fast on every new moon should observe fast on Somvati Amavasya and circumambu­late the Peepal tree 108 times by wrapping it in a thread. By observing this fast, one gets eternal good fortune. Monday is the day of the moon. On this day the sun and the moon remain in a straight line. Therefore, this festival is considered to be special.

Astrologic­ally on this Somvati Amavasya, the planets Jupiter and Saturn will be in their respective zodiac signs, and Venus will be exalted.

Amavasya is the day of no moon in the Hindu calendar. It is the darkest day of the month and holds a significan­t importance in our religion. Many people observe a fast on this day.

The dark night of Amavasya gradually changes into a pleasant bright morning.

Similarly, the dark phase or struggles of your life will result in a bright and happy future.

This day signifies that after every dark phase comes the ray of light. And so all the pain and grief one goes

Send your name and surname, religion, date, place, time of birth and the advice you require to Mahesh Bang, tribuneher­ or call him at: 031 401 8888. through will also come to an end.

Things to do on Monday, according to your circumstan­ces:

1. Observe Maun silence for 24 minutes or for the first three hours of the day, or speak as little as possible on this day. At least avoid gossip.

2. The Peepal tree is revered as a sacred tree. People should tie a sacred thread around the tree’s trunk 108 times. This way, a parikrama (circumambu­lation) of 108 times is done around the Peepal tree. At least perform 7 parikrama (circumambu­lations) of it. The Peepal tree is considered as a symbol of the trinity (Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh).

3. Devote maximum time in Japa and meditation.

4. Fasting is carried out for the whole day. At least be vegetarian on this day.

5. It is considered auspicious to donate things on this day astrologic­ally, especially things of white colour or white food such as rice, curd, sugar, milk, etc, to the poor.

6. Ancestors’ prayers can be done.

7. Avoid gossip and over-thinking.

8. Avoid any discussion and important meetings, if you can.

9. Taking a bath in the Ganges or any holy river is of much importance on this day. As we are in South Africa, on this day mix Ganga water (it can be bought from any prayer shop) in the water at home and take a bath.

¡ Special remedy: After you have done parikrama around the Peepal tree, you can donate 108 fruits. Astrologic­ally, this tip is very nice to increase prosperity.

This day comes once in a year on average, and is an incredible opportunit­y for us to try to build an aura of protection around us by doing more prayer and spiritual activities. It is so important right now. The ability to utilise opportunit­ies appropriat­ely shows real intelligen­ce.

Q: Dear Sir, please assist as I really need guidance. A lot is going on and I don't know what to do or who to believe.

I struggle with my own family. My husband and I might be getting divorced due to some of their involvemen­t. Of course, I don’t want to actually believe that my family would hurt me, my child and my marriage.

I am not sure who is true to me and who is not. I am not sure where to focus my life. Do I pursue my husband or listen to them? I just want to know who is right to keep in my life and who is not. Please help me. I am awaiting your response. | TS

A: As per your horoscope, currently you are under Rahu Dasha. Rahu is a shadow planet and it gives doubts and confusion. That is why you can’t think rationally and make the right decision. Rahu is not a real planet, as it’s a shadow planet so things are not clear in your life. Do the following to have more clarity in life:

1. Fast every Saturday for the entire year.

2. In the winter season, donate four black or dark brown blankets to the poor.

3. Donate a black shirt this coming Saturday.

4. Chant Om Shree Ganeshaya Namah for 24 minutes daily.

5. You should wait for a few weeks to a few months before you make any decisions.

6. The day you make a decision, you should read the Shree Hanuman Chalisa 51 times.

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