Sunday Tribune



1 What song by “The Four Tops” has the lyric “Sugar pie honey bunch”?

2 The 2007 movie “Transforme­rs” is based on a vintage line of what?

3 In Greece, what clear spirit would you traditiona­lly drink with your meze?

4 Which French journalist, and statesman, was nicknamed “The Tiger” when, as prime minister in 1919, he pushed through the Treaty of Versailles which was designed to punish Germany for having started World

War I?

5 Which US poet is remembered for his popular works “Evangeline”, “The Village Blacksmith”, “The Song of Hiawatha”, and the “Wreck of the Hesperus”?

6 What sort of specialist would you be seeing if you consulted an otolaryngo­logist?

7 Where does the cloth denim, used in jeans, originally come from?

8 Which sport was founded by Japanese master Kano Jigoro Shihan?

9 Which buzzword did Apple use to describe their removal of the headphone jack?

10 Who was murdered along with OJ Simpson’s estranged wife Nicole?

11 What is Arachibuty­rophobia?

12 Which Spanish painter is referred to as both the last of the old masters and the first of the moderns?

13 What is the popular stew, gumbo, made from, and in which US state does it originate?

14 According to Greek mythology, which king of Corinth was condemned to push a huge boulder up a steep hill eternally in the depths of Hades, for offending Zeus, king of the gods?

15 In which country, on Valentine’s Day, do women traditiona­lly buy chocolates and gifts for the men in their lives?

16 What classic novelist wrote the short story that the 2008 film, starring Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett, “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button,” was based on?

17 What are the names of the twins associated with the star sign Gemini?

18 Which famous athlete has appeared on the most Sports Illustrate­d covers?

19 What is Hungarian-born motion-picture actor Bela Lugosi best known for?

20 What is the collective name for a group of sharks?

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