Sunday Tribune

A new generation faces prospect of another genocide


TWENTY years after the Darfur genocide began, the children of those who survived are fleeing a new wave of violence that increasing­ly resembles the 2003 mass slaughter.

Like their parents two decades ago, they’re escaping towns in Sudan’s Western Darfur region that are being burned to the ground in what appear to be co-ordinated attacks, leaving behind their family members who have been killed. Once again, they say they’re being targeted by Arab paramilita­ry groups for their non-arab background. Some men and boys have been shot on the spot if they admit to belonging to the Masalit ethnic group, according to survivors, and those who escape may never be able to return.

At the cramped Adre refugee camp in neighbouri­ng Chad, 11-year-old Essam Muhammad was holding his 13-month-old sister. Twenty years ago, Muhammad’s mother, Fatima, lost her parents in the genocide, and now Muhammad too has lost his mother.

In tears, he recalled the moment his mother’s life slipped away last month. Shot by a sniper in the stomach in western Darfur, a few kilometres from the border, her last whispered words to Muhammad were: “From now on, you’re responsibl­e for your little sister.”

In interviews, more than two dozen survivors in this and other refugee camps shared similar accounts, adding to a mounting body of evidence that suggests Darfur faces a new wave of ethnic cleansing.

The region has seen a surge in targeted killings and forced displaceme­nt since 2019 that was attributed to Sudan’s Arab paramilita­ry Rapid Support Forces (RSF). Masalit leaders, in turn, have at times been accused by Arabs of provoking violence.

But the bloodletti­ng escalated dramatical­ly after fighting broke out in April around the country between the forces of two rival Sudanese generals who have been vying for power in the capital Khartoum.

Within days, fighters linked to the RSF – a group widely seen to have roots in the Janjaweed militias, accused by the prosecutor of the Internatio­nal Criminal Court (ICC) of crimes against humanity in Darfur two decades ago – went on new killing sprees in predominan­tly Masalit neighbourh­oods in western Darfur, survivors say.

Hundreds of Sudanese people

Darfur and elsewhere have died in the violence. More than 2.2 million people have been displaced within the country, while about 700 000 have fled abroad, many to Chad, according to the Internatio­nal Organisati­on for Migration.

“The fighters told us that there is no place for us here,” recalled Randa Abdullah, 18, a Masalit whose parents raised her in a refugee camp in Geneina, the regional capital of the West Darfur state, after they were targeted in the 2003 mass killings, which were later declared a genocide by Western leaders.

In April, Abdullah watched through a door slit as her father died after being shot by a sniper just outside their home.

“We saw him take his last breaths,” she said, “but we couldn’t help him. All around us people were being killed,” she said.

She said she fled Geneina with about 100 other refugees, travelling on roads where “corpses were lying everywhere”. Snipers killed two dozen of the refugees in her group, she recalled.

Nathaniel Raymond, executive director of the humanitari­an research lab at the Yale School of Public Health, which contribute­s research to the US State Department’s Sudan Conflict Observator­y programme, said it is increasing­ly clear that the attacks

committed by the RSF in Sudan may constitute crimes against humanity – and that “no one is stopping them”.

“Very few people are making it out at this point” who can share their accounts of the violence with the world, Raymond said. But he added that satellite imagery shows that entire urban neighbourh­oods and villages have been burned to the ground in recent weeks in what appear to be efforts to permanentl­y displace their population­s.

Last week, the UN Human Rights Office said in a statement that it had “credible informatio­n” that 87 people – including Masalits – were buried in mass graves outside Geneina in midjune on orders of the RSF. Among the victims were women and children, the UN said.

The RSF has denied responsibi­lity for these killings and similar incidents. RSF officials did not respond to requests for comment for this article.

In another incident, fires destroyed an area equivalent to the size of 280 soccer fields in the town of Murnei three weeks ago, according to the Sudan Conflict Observator­y.

The “velocity and scale” of arson attacks attributed to the RSF and aligned militias appear to still be on the rise, Raymond said.

The Darfur genocide that began in 2003 was carried out during the dictatoria­l rule of Sudanese president Omar Hassan al-bashir, who was later implicated by the ICC in ordering the mass killings. His ouster in 2019, amid large popular protests, led to the formation of a hybrid military-civilian government, which in turn was overthrown by the two generals who are now fiercely battling for domination: Sudan’s military chief General Abdel Fattah al-burhan and the RSF leader, General Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo, widely known as Hemedti.

When their fragile power-sharing deal collapsed in April, fighting erupted in Khartoum and quickly spread to Darfur.

Many of the attacks have involved systematic targeting of civilian infrastruc­ture and local population­s. In interviews, more than a dozen survivors from Geneina described targeted killings of unarmed neighbours and relatives in predominan­tly Masalit neighbourh­oods.

Their testimony matches similar accounts from various towns in Darfur collected by human rights researcher­s in recent weeks. Doctors have reported seeing an influx of women who have been raped and subjected to other forms of sexual violence.

Survivors say that RSF forces and its allies have used artillery to strike civilian buildings, including many refugee shelters. Suspected RSF fighters shot residents in the streets or went door to door, executing all men they encountere­d, according to survivors, who recognised some of the attackers as neighbours known to be RSF fighters or spotted cars and uniforms typically associated with the RSF.

While survivors said the atrocities in Darfur have been primarily committed by the RSF and its allies, they also blamed the Sudanese army for shelling their districts during clashes with the RSF, resulting in civilian injuries and deaths.

Ten survivors also described being turned away when they sought refuge at the regional headquarte­rs of the central reserve police, which is aligned with the military.

“They refused to let us into their compound and told us to leave,” said Juma Dawood Musa, 42.

Seeing no other options, Musa’s family decided to risk the perilous 32km journey into Chad, repeatedly passing checkpoint­s of RSF troops or aligned militias.

His wife did not make it, he recounted. At one of the checkpoint­s, as militia fighters beat him with sticks, his wife intervened but became the target and was hit in the neck. Musa managed to drag her away, but she soon began to lose consciousn­ess. To save himself, Musa said he had to leave her corpse beside the road.

At refugee camps in and around the small Chadian town of Adre, hundreds of thousands of refugees are estimated by the Chadian government to have arrived in recent weeks, straining an internatio­nal relief response that humanitari­an groups say lacks money and resolve.

As the peak of the rainy season is approachin­g, mosquito- and waterborne diseases are proliferat­ing rapidly.

Eleven-year-old Muhammad does not have a tent to keep him dry. And on a recent day, humanitari­an workers, running low on supplies, had only given him and his little sister a small portion of rice. Muhammad tried to honour his late mother’s last request and fed all of it to his 13-month-old sister.

“I can bear the hunger,” he said. “All I care about is that my sister has enough.”

Humanitari­an workers say they’re stunned that the echoes of the 2003 genocide have so far not resulted in more internatio­nal funding for aid groups or stronger sanctions.

“The response from the internatio­nal community is far below what we should expect on this scale of violence,” said Jean-baptiste Gallopin, a crisis and conflict researcher at Human Rights Watch (HRW).

The organisati­on called on the ICC Prosecutor, who has announced an inquiry into recent incidents, to probe attacks on civilians in West Darfur after an HRW investigat­ion found evidence that RSF fighters and aligned militia shot more than two dozen people who had been hiding in schools in the town of Misterei in May.

Zainab Abdullah, 35, a refugee from Geneina, said she and her family had hoped, in vain, that justice would be administer­ed in the wake of the 2003 genocide that displaced them.

“But the criminals became rulers,” she said.

This time, she doesn’t want to harbour false hopes. “We won’t return to Sudan,” she said.

 ?? REUTERS ?? SUDANESE girls who fled the conflict in Sudan’s Darfur region look at makeshift shelters near the border between Sudan and Chad, while taking refuge in Borota, Chad. |
REUTERS SUDANESE girls who fled the conflict in Sudan’s Darfur region look at makeshift shelters near the border between Sudan and Chad, while taking refuge in Borota, Chad. |

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