Sunday Tribune

Walk for peace and Ubuntu



THE 20th Salt March will take place on Sunday, April 14.

The annual event will start at 8am at the Phoenix Settlement in Inanda, and end at the Gandhi Luthuli Peace Park in Phoenix.

This walk is for peace and Ubuntu in neighbourh­oods, in the country and internatio­nally.

The event will begin with an interfaith prayer and end with a few speeches.

The organisers are calling on people of all ages, gender, race and religion to take part in the walk, and show the world that they can build peace and harmony together.

The Salt March started in 2005 in celebratio­n of the 75th anniversar­y of the Dandi March in India.

In 1930, in defying the salt tax, millions of Indians led by Mahatma Gandhi marched to the seashore of Dandi and made their own salt, bringing the British Empire to its knees.

The event honours leaders such as Gandhi and Albert Luthuli, who resisted oppression through non-violence.

Ela Gandhi, a trustee of the Gandhi Developmen­t Trust, said they were hoping more people would join to support the whole concept of non-violence, social justice and freedom that emanate from Phoenix Settlement.

“May the war and carnage in Palestine, Ukraine, Sudan and so many other parts of the world stop. Let us learn to resolve our conflicts through peaceful means. Let us walk in solidarity with the many victims of war and violence,” said Gandhi.

This year’s march also celebrates the 120th anniversar­y of the Phoenix Settlement.

“A big event to mark the anniversar­y will take place in October. We are currently setting up internatio­nal committees in various countries. The whole idea is to take forward the message of the Phoenix Settlement which is the values that Gandhi started at the settlement. It was the place where he transforme­d from a young lawyer and gave up his worldly belongings, to lead a simple life and to promote truth, honesty, hard work and equality among everyone.

“Everyone worked together on the settlement, cleaning vegetables and doing chores. There was gender equality. We don’t only want to promote that in South Africa but throughout the world.

“These values are essential in today’s life where communitie­s are fighting with one another. There is so much violence and inequality around the world. People waste food with no thought for all those who are starving. If the mindset changes, society will change,” Gandhi said.

The Salt March participan­ts can park their cars at the Gandhi Luthuli Peace Park. A shuttle will transport them to the Phoenix Settlement.

 ?? ?? Ela Gandhi
Ela Gandhi

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