Sunday World (South Africa)

Tough climb, hard party



SO this past Saturday the radar pointed to the East Rand, where Shwashwi and sidekick were in the mix. High five for the East Rand peeps. They sure know how to throw a party and dance till the wee hours without hesitation. At least I think that was dancing.

Yours in delish gossip was there for a music concert at the Birchwood Hotel in Boksburg.

Can you believe there were three stages?

Thank God. That meant moi was spoilt for choice and wasn t stuck with the same

’ arbs for longer than an hour at a time.

How crowded was the parking lot though?

Moi and sidekick drove around for what seemed like eternity. Even our GPS began to complain. As for the long walk to the venue... You should ve seen the ladies wobbling up

’ the steep hill!

Of course, moi handled it in moi s stride. Ouch! OMG, the lengths I go to entertain y all!

’ Thanx for all the coffee on that cold night, but can someone please explain why moi was not given VIP status? Don t you know who I am?

’ Well, I ended up in the VIP room anyway, of course, and immediatel­y spotted odd pair actress Charmaine Mtinta with old-boy Ernest Ndlovu.

Seriously now, this is the second event moi has seen these two at.

Please reward my curiosity before we start a rumour.

Moi would like to believe actor Rapulana Seiphemo is going through a mid-life crisis. He was all over the dance floor Putco Mafani style.

How can one describe this? He was getting down, then he was going up, then he was going down, shaking his sizeable booty, then he was going up... You d swear

’ someone challenged him to make a mockery of himself.

Or was there a dance competitio­n that moi was oblivious to?

My advice to Rapulana: sit down, hun. Seriously now.

Also caught a glimpse of YFM jock Musa Mthombeni with some random tall guy.

Geez, where do you find your friends?

The usually clean cut Musa was all hip-hop sloppy n baggy.

‘ Aaaaargh! Fashion felony! Ag, but he s so sweet.

’ After a lengthy conversati­on with Shwashwi he got so comfortabl­e he almost let slip the identity of the woman in his life.

Pity I ran outta patience and had to dash out.

Down that hill again. Aaaargh!

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