Sunday World (South Africa)

Miscarriag­e of justice’


eration for Mental Health also believes the court did not do enough to afford Manda his full rights as contained in both the country’s Constituti­on and the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabiliti­es.

“This appears to be one example where inadequate services are rendered to persons with mental disabiliti­es.

“The UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabiliti­es adopted key elements of the Bill of Rights, which include human dignity, equality and psychologi­cal integrity.

“This includes the right to be considered a person and to exercise legal capacity, irrespecti­ve of one’s mental state or disability.

“Article 12 of the Convention stipulates that persons with disabiliti­es enjoy legal capacity on an equal basis with others in all aspects of life ... everyone is equal before the law and has the right to equal protection and benefit of the law.

“Equality includes the full and equal enjoyment of all rights and freedoms.

“No person may unfairly discrimina­te, directly or indirectly, against anyone on one or more grounds, including ... disability.”

Patel says because South Africa became a signatory to the UN Convention in 2007, institutio­ns such as courts are obliged to take appro

“priate measures to provide access to persons with disabiliti­es with the support they might require in exercising their legal capacity”.

She continues: “However, current legislatio­n continues to operate on the assumption that mental health users have no capacity to act and may therefore be incarcerat­ed against their will, suffer preventati­ve or pre-emptive detention for their own good, or the good of society and be locked up without access to legal assistance for up to 45 days at a time.

“In article 17 of the UN convention, the mental integrity of the person is given protection.

“Every person with disabiliti­es has a right to respect for his or her physical and mental integrity on an equal basis with others.”

She concludes: “We recommend that members of the judiciary be trained to have full comprehens­ion of the capacity and psychologi­cal functionin­g of persons with mental disability.

“Our courts are under so much pressure that very little considerat­ion is given to the rights of persons with disabiliti­es.” mananyetso­a@sundayworl­ Foillow me on twitter @Mezosti

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