Sunday World (South Africa)



IT S the middle of the school year and Basic

’ Education Minister Angie Motshekga hasn t

’ met the deadline to deliver textbooks to schools in Limpopo.

With no catch-up plan in place for the holidays, thousands of textbooks are reported to be gathering dust in a Polokwane warehouse.

Moegoe Angie, you have let down our kids badly! SO being a lover of all things fab, Shwashwi headed to MiBar in Rosebank, Jozi, for Miza s birthday

’ party. The first of four to be exact. What? Who has four birthday parties? I heard the other three were hosted in Tshwane, Cape Town and the Vaal. Anyways, Miza wasn t just

’ showing off as the theme was to inspire and give back to the less fortunate.

A lotta peeps got blankies, shoes and warm clothes in abundance, I must add. How sweet! It s great to know that we have

’ schlebs who don t only think about

’ themselves.

Oh, he also had a couple of very generous sponsors. DO you really think President Jacob Zuma didn t attend the ANC Youth League June 16

’ dooh in PE cos he was scared of being booed?

‘ To vote, SMS: YES, NO or WHO CARES to 32326. SMSes are R2 each. LAST week we asked if you thought new national police commission­er Riah Mphiyega would manage to eradicate the rot in the SA Police Service? You replied: YES 67%

– NO 33%


– WEIGHTLIFT­ER Greg Shushu, the African championsh­ips double gold medalist, is fighting to be included in the SA Olympic team to London next month. The charmza is taking Sascoc head on after he was told six days before the SA Team to the London Games was announced that, at 31, he was too old to be selected. Nonsense, Shushu! Fight on you can t be

– ’ discrimina­ted against because of your age.

The main one being Chevrolet, who lent him and his entourage a handful of cars. Couldn t they just give him one?

’ OK, enough praise singing. Let s get back to the party and the

’ guests, some of whom weren t

’ even on the guest list.

The crowd consisted of decent, classy people who were actually of legal age. There s nothing worse than

’ bumping into teens sipping on fire water when they should be studying for exams.

But one person who fell in the un-decent group was TV star “” Thomas Gumede.

His over-inflated ego took up half the space in the venue. Turns out brotha man feels he s

’ more than human now that he s

’ staring in that cheesy TV reality show whose title escapes me right now. Shame Thomas, next time I ll

’ just blink and miss you.

Mzwandile Ngubeni... sorry who are you again? Oh, he s that Spirit Sundae pre

’ senter. Hmmm, please tell us what s going on between you and

’ actress Nolwazi Shange? Shwashwi couldn t help but

’ notice you getting all cosy in the VIP section after walking in hand-in-hand.

Or was Mzwandile playing big bro? Aaaaaag, we ve already

’ started speculatin­g.

Also spotted Salamina Mosese, who s slowly creeping

’ back into the social scene. But what s up with these

’ women who go out gallivanti­ng and leave their hot men at home? Don t wanna share the eye

’ candy, huh?

Another face who aims to frequent the social pages is Tshisa actor Bongani Masondo.

He told all those who cared to listen that he s releasing a hip-hop

’ album. Yhu, you re not expecting free

’ PR from Shwashwi, are you Bongani?

Noticed how former actress and now nine-to-fiver Nozipho Nkelemba kept dodging Scandal!’s Matli Mohapeloa as if he had a contagious disease. Y all split up over a year ago

’ Matli. Maybe it s time to let go.

’ My advice is use it or lose it.

DJs Nutty Nys, Mr Anderson and Speedsta deserve a standing ovation for keeping us up until sunrise.

My feet are still giving moi issues. Gosh, why did I have to wear stilettoes that night? This fab life is exhausting.

Oh, guess who strolled in when the party was wrapping up?

Comedian Chris Mapane with a hot nameless babe.

Hun, if your arrival was meant to be a joke, sorry, we missed the punch line.

Not that your presence made a difference.

Moi is gonna throw a party very soon, with the hope of scoring an SS or some monster SUV.

Big up to Miza. I knew he was more than just hotness.

Are you single?

 ??  ??

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