Sunday World (South Africa)

Oh, so ho hum



YAAAAAAAWN... deep sigh!

Shwashwi and sidekick dozed off into a deep slumber on Thursday evening. Montecasin­o s all-new state

’ of-the-art (so says the invite) 3Sixty Liquid Lounge was being officially launched in the north of Jozi.

I must admit the lounge is stunning. It s almost unreal.

’ But it was so hard to see the real beauty of the place cos there ‘ were people everywhere.

At least they were classy.

Anyways, we arrived while a certain DJ called MadJoy was playing.

Some electrical string trio were also on stage.

Pardon moi s sensitive ears, but the sound was a bit off. It s like the

’ speakers were screaming in my direction.

Great excuse to wander around and hunt for gossip.

And there wasn t any cos

’ ‘ there were no schlebs. Wait, actually one or two. Seriously.

Bumped into The Wild s Keenan Arrison chilling at the bar. He kept encouragin­g Shwashwi to take more shots of tequila. Didn t

’ wanna sour the mood by questionin­g him about life after The Wild.

Besides his bosom-buddy and date Carmel Fisher didn t seem in the mood

’ to be questioned.

Also spotted muso and poet Ntsiki Mazwai seated in a dark spot.

She attempted to hide from moi s camera-yielding sidekick. She claims people s careers have

’ been ruined by this supposed mean-spirited writer who gets a high from dissing people. What, moi?

Geez, is that why Nothende got up and left? Oh well.

Though the food and drinks were great, the entertainm­ent for the evening didn t improve.

’ It was either stay on and hope for a change or leave to catch up on lost sleep. Or go party elsewhere.

Seems half of peeps chose the last two options. And so did moi.

But not before having a brief chat with ever-smiling presenter Aaron Moloisi.

His gym loyalty is paying off in abundance though, being a man of few words, he didn t say much.

’ Or maybe he didn t even have to

’ cos all one ever does is gawk at him ‘ anyways. Ho hum.

 ??  ?? NOTHING WILD: Keenan Arrison was just chilling at the bar NO ESCAPE: Ntsiki Mazwai tried to hide – in that dress?
NOTHING WILD: Keenan Arrison was just chilling at the bar NO ESCAPE: Ntsiki Mazwai tried to hide – in that dress?
 ??  ??

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