Sunday World (South Africa)



DINGAAN Thobela’s wife rattled him with a haymaker this week, claiming that his love for extra punani knocked their marriage out for the count.

Sandra and Thobela finally divorced two weeks ago, and are selling their five-bedroomed marital ring in Kelvin, northern Joburg, for almost R2-million as part of their settlement.

Speaking out for the first time since the crumbling of their union, Sandra said Thobela was a Don Juan who, among other indiscreti­ons, fathered three kids out of wedlock with a Joburg woman.

She added that the Rose of Soweto suffered from short man syndrome.

Sandra hinted that he continued playing the “hide the salami” game with other floozies, despite having children with the other woman.

This man fathered three children outside our marriage with another woman called Tumi.

When I discovered this, I was devastated because I never thought he would betray me like that.

Look, it is painful to discover that your husband has cheated on you, but it’s something else when your husband has even fathered three kids out of wedlock,” she quivered.

Sandra, a traffic-stopping “yellow bone” from Mozambique, said she eventually met Tumi, but did not confront her about the adulterous affair because it was beneath her.

I just decided not to confront her because she is not my type and does not even match my status.

She is not alone, there are other women in Soweto who told their own stories.”

Sandra said what TKOed their marriage was Thobela’s insecuriti­es.

I would receive a phone call from people at night and he would think that they are my boyfriends and get angry.

Sometimes, a man will call me by mistake, and when I say it is a wrong number, he would freak out and say it’s a wrong number because I’m here.

If I was not here, it would not be a wrong number.

There was this mistrust between us. He would think that I’m doing something bad.

This is because he was doing something on the side and thought I was doing that, too.”

Sandra said Thobela would go bonkers when she returned home late after fetching her two kids from their extramural activities.

You see, sometimes you can’t control traffic. You drive to fetch your kids from school where they are doing sport and other things, and get stuck in traffic on your way home.

When I arrived, he would accuse me of all sorts of things because there was this mistrust between us,” she said.

Sandra confirmed that they have finalised their divorce.

It’s finished. Although we are still living under the same roof and sleeping in the same bedroom, it’s finished.”

Sandra said she was not planning to go back to Mozambique in a bid to deny him access to their kids.

I’m a South African citizen, I’m not going anywhere.

I will continue to live here with my kids. I will make a plan about where to live with my kids after vacating that house.

My children are grown up and can decide where and with whom they want to live.

I just wanted to set the record straight because of these allegation­s that I cheated on my husband and fell pregnant by another man.

I have always been loyal to him. There was no ground for me to cheat on him. I have been with him for 26 years, and married to him for six years.

I have never thought or imagined myself doing something secretly with another man,” she said.

Thobela refused to comment on allegation­s that he was suffering from a Napoleon complex.

I prefer not to comment on that, since I don’t want to talk about my private life in the media,” he said.

Thobela confirmed that he fathered three children with another woman.

We spoke about this matter, and I’m taking care of my responsibi­lities.

So I don’t understand why she is bringing this up now. But if she told you so, that’s fine, it is up to her,” he said.

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