Sunday World (South Africa)

Mary kicks ‘ limp ’ Ben10 to the curb


actress Mary Makhatho was allegedly moered by her Ben10 James Mohohlo for cheating on him because he was a disaster between the sheets

Makhatho (50) had, as a result, kicked Mohohlo (46) out of their love nest in Bloubosran­d, Joburg.

The two are now warring over the battery of Mohohlo s car.

Now staying with his sickly father in Mohlakeng, on the West Rand, Mohohlo confirmed Makhatho booted him out of her crib after complainin­g he was, among others, limp in bed.

Makhatho, who plays Connie in the series, said her ex-Ben10 should return the things she helped him acquire and stop being a chatterbox.

Did he not tell you I helped him achieve certain things in life?” she asked.

This matter was supposed to be resolved by our parents, but he chose to bad-mouth me. I neither insulted him nor had a Ghanaian boyfriend. He is a liar.

But in his account, Mohohlo said: She complained I wasn t satisfying her in bed, and that she needed more affection. I suffer from high blood pressure, you know what its medication does to you after taking it.

But that wasn t the only reason I no longer satisfied her.”

Mohohlo said the main reasons he no longer made her sing with pleasure was because she had a bad breath and performed rituals before sex.

That was a complete turnoff for me,” he said.

Again, she had this foul smell coming from her mouth because of the nasal snuff she orally took before we went to bed. That too put me off completely.

The Ben10 claimed Makhatho was still seeing her Ghanaian ex-boyfriend behind his back.

One day, I took my car in for repairs and hitchhiked back to our house. So, this boy thought I wasn t home because he could not see my car,” he said.

He rocked up in the house and said to me hi uncle, I was just here to borrow R50 I told him I knew what was going on and that he shouldn t think I was stupid. He then left.”

Mohohlo said Makhatho did not answer when he phoned her on her other number.

I then slept and when she returned, I slapped her. She sustained a swollen eye,” he confessed.

I apologised to her the following day when she was crying. She had just received news that her mother had passed on.”

The Ben10 said he started having an affair after finding a text message Makhatho had sent to the Ghanain ex, warning him to stop coming to the house unannounce­d because that created problems between them.

What happened was that she left her cellphone and went to attend a John Legend concert at the [Coca-Cola] Dome. I went through her messages and found that SMS,” he said.

That s when I realised these people were still seeing each other.

Mohohlo said she started complainin­g he was not giving her money.

Now she s refusing to return the car battery I borrowed her.”

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