Sunday World (South Africa)

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THERE can be no doubt that God is raising up a new generation of leaders with vision, commitment, dedication and courage, based on the message delivered to young people at the Youth Transforma­tion Africa (YTA) prayer day at Newlands Rugby stadium on Freedom Day.

For evangelist Angus Buchan, affectiona­tely called Uncle Angus the main speaker at the #YTAUNITE prayer event, it was also no coincidenc­e that God chose Freedom Day for this significan­t gathering of some 2 500 people in the same venue where the first Global Day of Prayer was held in 2001.

According to Angus, God wants to set the youth free from oppression and suicidal tendencies by giving their life meaning and He is looking for men and women who are uncompromi­sing and have the faith to believe that, with Him, all things are possible.

Many of the predominan­tly teenage crowd at the stadium were bussed there from outlying areas such as the Cape Flats.

According to Cape Town youth pastor and organiser of the prayer day, Kyle Driver, it was organised as a response to a God-given vision for revival of the youth in South Africa and the rest of Africa, and to call the youth of the Western Cape to turn away from violence and crime and to commit themselves to peaceful transforma­tion.

Pete Greig, founder of the 24/7 prayer movement, told the gathering that while darkness was covering the world leading to fears about the economy and the future, violence and the current violence in SA and the US, the glory of the Lord has risen upon them. He said it was time for a new generation to rise up for such a time as this.


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