Sunday World (South Africa)



THE festive season is a season to be jolly, but with that comes a huge dent on our wallets and bodies.

Here is a little guide on how to shop and look good, without breaking the bank this post-festive season.


If you are really running low on cash, you might want to look around your kitchen first before heading to the mall to spend on this one. Facial home remedy solutions work wonders for your skin and your pocket. For a quick and easy way to have your face feeling refreshed and smooth: Mash one whole cucumber and strain the water, add one tablespoon of sugar and mix well, refrigerat­e and then apply on your face and leave for 10-15 minutes. Wash off with luke warm water for a smoother and refreshing feel.

Drinking lots of water will improve your skin’s elasticity as well as give you that youthful glow. Add slices of cucumber, lemons and fresh mint for a refreshing taste.


The festive season always comes with overindulg­ence on all the food we love and the soft drinks we take to cool us off the summer heat. Do cleanse your body off the toxins before you hit the gym to lose the extra weight.

Try an inexpensiv­e method to flush out toxins: Drink as much water as you can. Water is a natural remedy to rid off toxins from your body. Add ginger to your lemon water and drink every morning on an empty stomach and at night when you go to bed. Ginger activates your digestive juices.

Cut down on your sugar intake, bread and alcohol. Add fresh fruits and veggies to your daily intake and eat small portions.

Take one cup of green tea a day, it increases your metabolism and the antioxidan­ts slow down your aging process.

Start jogging or walking around the block if you cannot afford the gym. Download a free workout app on your smartphone to track and motivate your new healthy lifestyle.

The best time to shop is at the beginning of the year at the side walk sales and every end of season as you will get good quality clothes for up to 70% off or the R 50 clearance sale.

When you go shopping for your favourite items, take your time strolling around the mall to compare prices and buy within your budget.

Try Small Street downtown or a China Mall near you for those low

quality garments at affordable prices. These types of stores come very handy when your budget is tight, there’s no excuse to show up at an interview looking a mess.

Sharing can also be caring in this case. Trade your unwanted clothes with your friends for items in their wardrobes that you might like. You can have a backyard market with friends, ask them to bring old clothes they no longer like, you bring yours and you have a trade day.

Also try the monthly junk sale, as well as vintage stores in Newtown and Melville; with vintage clothes you have guaranteed proven quality.

You can also consider redesignin­g your old clothes to make them look fashionabl­e; for example if you have an old black dress you don’t like anymore, cut it into a skirt, add beads, glitter, extra material or cut off some material and remake it to look fashionabl­e for whatever occasion you fancy.

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