Sunday World (South Africa)

Modise s wife thrown out

Second spouse removed from IPHC headquarte­rs' mansion by group of youngsters

- AUBREY MOTHOMBENI mothombeni­a@sundayworl­

DECEASED Internatio­nal Pentecost Holiness Church (IPHC) leader Glayton Modise’s second wife Pearl Tafu was allegedly removed from the church’s mansion at its headquarte­rs by a mob of young people last Saturday night.

The incident took place at the IPHC’s headquarte­rs in Zuurbekom, southwest of Joburg.

Sunday World understand­s that a group of young people went to the church to oust Tafu, 30, from the church’s property left behind by Modise, 76, when he died in February this year. The youth allegedly told her she no longer qualifies to stay in the church premises because what she came for in the church was no more”.

The removal of Tafu, popularly known as Mamohau by millions of the church’s followers, came after the same mob unsuccessf­ully tried to sent her packing two weeks ago.

It is understood that they were out-muscled by the church’s security guards, who supported Mamohau s stay in the mansion.

During the first incident, Mamohau managed to escape the frenzy when she drove out of the property in her Mercedez-Benz. She came back the following morning.

Mamohau confirmed the incident but did not want to discuss details of what happened.

I have no comment on the matter, but yes they came. I pray and serve a God of hope, and he always protects me from any harm,” she said.

She said she was aware of the people who are behind her forced removal from the church but refused to reveal their names.

Unfortunat­ely, I won’t say anything negative about them, like they do about me. They must do and say anything they want,” she said.

The late Modise’s son Tshepiso, through his lawyer Emmanuel Lekgau, refused to comment on the matter. We have taken a decision that we won’t be speaking to the media about any issues affecting or happening in the church,” Lekgau said.

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