Sunday World (South Africa)

Masterplan requires collaborat­ive actions

- By Susan Meyer, Preanka Gounden and Charissa Barden The authors work for law firm Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr

The Sugar Masterplan requires a detailed set of collaborat­ive actions by stakeholde­rs in the industry aimed, first, at urgent action to prevent the unmanaged decline of the industry and preserve jobs.

Considerin­g that collaborat­ion among competitor­s is not ordinarily allowed in terms of the Competitio­n Act 89 of 1998, as amended (Competitio­n Act) and can have dire consequenc­es, it requires an appropriat­e exemption from the collusion provisions of the Competitio­n Act and the Department of Trade, Industry and Competitio­n (DTIC).

• Setting procuremen­t targets

In setting industry local procuremen­t targets, discussion among retailers, wholesaler­s and industrial sugar users must be led by the department or a facilitato­r.

No competitiv­ely sensitive informatio­n or disaggrega­ted informatio­n may be shared or discussed. Only aggregated informatio­n on the percentage and volumes of industry targets on local procuremen­t can be discussed.

The final industry targets must be determined by the DTIC, or a facilitato­r appointed by the DTIC and based on sensitive informatio­n obtained on a bilateral and confidenti­al basis separately from each individual firm.

Retailers, wholesaler­s and sugar users

must not engage in collective procuremen­t of sugar from suppliers.

Should collective procuremen­t be necessary among a specific category of users, in order to optimise procuremen­t efficienci­es, an exemption in terms of the Act must be sought.

Setting individual firm local procuremen­t targets

Progress reports on the achievemen­t of milestones set out in the individual firm’s local procuremen­t plan, in the implementa­tion of the Sugar Masterplan, must also be submitted to the DTIC on confidenti­al basis.

 ?? / Yatra ?? Setting sugarcane targets.
/ Yatra Setting sugarcane targets.

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