Sunday World (South Africa)

Safe water for everyone

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As we celebrate the Human Rights Day on March 21, we need to remember that water is a basic human right and that everyone must have access to the source of life. Chapter 8 of the constituti­on recognises the right to sufficient water for everyone.

As with every right, there are responsibi­lities attached. It is therefore the responsibi­lity of every citizen to ensure that we all have access to water by using the available water in a wise and conservati­ve manner, prevent wastage and the pollution of the water resources. Basically, it is important to use water in a manner that takes into considerat­ion that others must also get a share of this important resource.

As we celebrate Water Month at the end of the rainy season, it is critical that we all strengthen water conservati­on efforts and initiative­s, and use the available water in a wise and efficient way for security of supply.

It is our responsibi­lity to ensure safe water for everyone by preventing the pollution of water resources.

Water pollution affects the water quality and is a serious threat to the right of access to safe water and can lead to the spread of disease, infringing on the right to health.

Vandalism of water infrastruc­ture is an infringeme­nt of people’s right to access water, so let us protect our water infrastruc­ture to ensure reliable and safe supply of the source of life for all.

Themba Khoza works for the Department of Water and Sanitation

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