Sunday World (South Africa)

Equality still a pipe dream for women

- Malphia Honwane By email

Every day we read about the 50/50 concept, where men and women are said to be equal in terms of treatment, but in reality, the contrary seems to be true.

Men still have the upper hand in society, in leadership positions and other areas. Society still generally perceives men as superior beings, compared to women and children.

As Roxane Gay, pictured, once remarked: “Some women being empowered does not prove that patriarchy is dead. It proves that some of us are lucky.” Her words are undoubtedl­y true, because generally, when a husband dies mysterious­ly, the wife becomes the prime suspect but when the wife dies mysterious­ly, the husband is rarely accused of anything. A man can abandon his family for years, and when he is very sick and too frail to do anything, he comes back home, and society expects his family to accept him. A man can abandon his children, thus subjecting them to self-raising like cake flour, yet in his last days, society will be hard on the children, blackmaili­ng them to forgive and accept him.

A man can lose his wife in March and remarry in July the same year, society will be silent and accommodat­ing, but if the wife does the same, she will be called all sorts of names and even be accused of killing her husband.

All people are created equal; therefore their treatment should not be of double standards.

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