Sunday World (South Africa)

Sanitation and safe water

World Toilet Day on November 19

- Themba Khoza • Khoza works for the Mpumalanga department of water and sanitation

Proper sanitation gives people dignity. It is important for people to have access to proper sanitation facilities to ensure that their human dignity is always maintained.

Annually on November 19, the world comes together to observe World Toilet Day to raise awareness on the importance of proper sanitation facilities and take action to tackle the global sanitation crisis and achieve Sustainabl­e Developmen­t Goal 6, which talks about sanitation and water for all by 2030.

This year, World Toilet Day is observed under the theme “Sanitation and Groundwate­r – making the invisible visible”, which focuses on the impact of the sanitation crisis on groundwate­r.

South Africa is a waterscarc­e country, which requires that all available water sources be secured for the current and future generation­s. Groundwate­r is the world’s most abundant source of freshwater and supports drinking water supplies, farming, sanitation systems, industries and the ecosystem.

Climate change is a reality and as it worsens and population­s continue to grow, groundwate­r remains vital for human survival.

It is important to protect our water resources from pollution.

Inadequate and poorly maintained sanitation systems spread human waste into water sources such as rivers, dams, lakes, wetlands and even soil, leading to the pollution of groundwate­r.

Lack of toilets or proper sanitation facilities lead to people relieving themselves in the open veld, which not only takes away their dignity but also pollutes groundwate­r. Poorly maintained wastewater treatment plants lead to raw sewage polluting water resources. The E. coli levels in untreated waste leads to public health dangers and the death of animals, especially dead fish, which is also a source of food.

Municipali­ties and other authoritie­s responsibl­e for wastewater treatment plants must invest in the maintenanc­e and operations of these plants to ensure they function properly. Poor sanitation makes water, especially groundwate­r, unfit for human use and is a loss of crucial water supplies, especially in a water scarce country where every drop of water counts.

Toilets and sanitation systems must also be constructe­d in such a way as to withstand the negative effects of climate change and prevent a potential disaster.

It is important to advocate and push for proper toilets for human dignity and protect our water resources, especially our groundwate­r.

Proper sanitation will lead to water security as it will help protect water resources, such as groundwate­r, from pollution, and ensure sustainabl­e water supplies.

Water is life and sanitation is dignity, and dignified and proper sanitation lead to water security.

 ?? / Water Aid Global ?? World Toilet Day raises awareness on the importance of proper sanitation facilities globally.
/ Water Aid Global World Toilet Day raises awareness on the importance of proper sanitation facilities globally.
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