Sunday World (South Africa)

Sodi’s estranged wife slapped with R50m tax bill, plus fines

Lerata’s initial debt was R11.7m before interest hiked it

- By Ngwako Malatji ngwakom@sundayworl­

The estranged wife of controvers­ial businessma­n, Edwin Sodi, has been slapped with an almost R50-million tax bill by the South African Revenue Services ( Sars).

Sunday World can exclusivel­y reveal that Nthateng Matsoleli Lerata, who separated from Sodi a few years ago and is heading for divorce, owes Sars over R49.9-million in personal income tax.

The shocking titbits came to the fore after Sars obtained a summons against Lerata at the high court in Joburg about three weeks ago.

According to the papers, which we have seen, Lerata owed Sars over R11.7-million in personal income tax.

She, according to the papers, also owed Sars over R18.6-million in additional tax. The quantum ballooned to over R49.9-million after the debt accrued more than R18.9-million in interest.

As if that were not enough, Sars also imposed over R2 000 in administra­tive penalties on her.

Before applying for judgment, Sars sent Lerata a final letter of demand on November 29 last year, threatenin­g to attach and sell her assets if she did not pay the full amount within 10 business days.

Sars also threatened to sequestrat­e or liquidate Lerata, the former Capricorn FM presenter, if she did not pay the dizzying amount.

Sars informed Lerata that she had failed to pay her tax debt for “one more tax year”.

“Overdue amount: R48 374 551, latest account statement balance. You are requested to make full payment within 10

business days from the day of this letter of demand,” reads the letter.

The Jozi-based businesswo­man was also asked to apply for certain remedies within 10 business days from the date on which the letter was written to her. The remedies, according to the letter, include applying for the suspension of the debt if she wanted to dispute it.

Lerata, who claimed that she was Sodi’s equal business partner in their business ventures, was also advised to apply for the compromise of a portion of the staggering amount if this would provide a higher return to the fiscus than liquidatio­n, sequestrat­ion, or other collection measures.

The couple’s business ventures include Blackhead Consulting, Blackhead Investment, Phirie Constructi­on, Base Properties and G5 Group,

Sars also warned her that if she failed to make full payment or use the recommende­d remedies, it might appoint a third party who would owe her or hold money for her to settle the tax debt.

Attempts to solicit comment from Lerata drew a blank as she ignored our phone calls and the questions we sent her.

You are requested to make full payment within 10 business days

 ?? ?? Nthateng Lerata
Nthateng Lerata
 ?? ?? Edwin Sodi
Edwin Sodi

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