Talk of the Town



ON WEDNESDAY, March 14 there was a break-in at 9.30am in Van der Riet Street.

The gardener phoned the homeowner when he found copper pipes had been stolen and the burglar had also broken into the outside toilet and taken a spade and a fork.

At about 6pm on Friday March 16, there was a motor vehicle accident on Main Street near FNB between a Toyota Tazz and Mazda. No one was injured.

There was a break-in at Damant Lodge retirement village in Pike Lane at 11.15pm on Friday night. Security officers and police arrived to find someone had gained entry into the unit by bending open the burglar bars of a slightly open window at the front of the premises. The burglar stole a cellphone and about R200 in cash and disappeare­d.

People were reported to be fighting at a beachside restaurant at West Beach at about 2.30am early on Sunday morning. MultiSecur­ity response officers said there was no sign of anyone fighting. They saw people leaving the premises.

At about 8.30am on Saturday morning a trolley belonging to Spar was found outside KNA, containing CDs and tablecloth, which could have been stolen. The trolley was handed to the police.

MultiSecur­ity officers responded to an alarm at a Sunningdal­e Road home at about 11pm on Saturday night and found there had been a break-in. Burglars took a laptop, iPhone and external hard drive. Police opened a case.

There was a break-in at the Misty Waves complex in Emerald Heights in the early hours of Sunday morning. MultiSecur­ity control room received an alarm signal and response officers were dispatched and attended the scene just after 1am. The burglar lifted a sliding door off its rail to gain entry. The MultiSecur­ity officer opened up a case on behalf of the owner, who was out of town.

At 1.30pm on Monday there was an attempted break-in at Van der Riet Street. MultiSecur­ity response officers were alerted to the break-in when an alarm in front of the house went off. They attended the scene and found a window facing the riverside had a broken handle, but as the burglar bars were still intact, the burglar(s) could not have gained entry. No case was opened and the window handle was fixed.

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