Talk of the Town

Sensei proud of his students

Karate kids do well at EP trials


It was with pride that sensei Clive Naido came away from the recently held Eastern Province Goju Kai Karate Trials held at Fairview in Port Elizabeth.

The provincial team is still to be selected but Naido is expecting good things from his students.

“Some of these kids were attending their first tournament, and they did very well, with gold and silver medals,” he said.

Naido takes children from some of the poorest families and trains them for free.

Kenton Bowling Club

“My family was poor and my sensei did not charge for my lessons when I was growing up, so this is my way of paying it forward, to help other kids from poorer families to learn the sport,” he said.

“If they are able to win at provincial­s they will be eligible to compete in the world championsh­ips, to be held in Japan in 2021,” Naido said.

“Special thanks must go to some of our benefactor­s including Johannes Jordaan, Jane Cowley, Sandra Fryer, along with others for their continued support.” Not a lot of bowls played due to the wonderful and very welcome rains this last week but the greens have flourished in the rain, our irrigation tanks are all full and we are well set for the winter. The Rascal should be well pleased with the state of affairs when he returns from his travels.

A good time to report on the club Men’s Pairs competitio­n and a clash of the giants with Bill Bedford, Ted Birch, Ken Nixon and Gerald Roxburgh combining for a healthy average age of eighty four years. After a titanic struggle, youngster Ken and his lead Roxie pipped the more experience­d Bill and Ted by a slender 17-16 margin, well done gents and many more years of good bowling.

Last Friday’s Personal Trust trips went ahead despite the rains and another short downpour in the morning, again a tribute to the great condition of our greens and the efforts of our apprentice green keeper Westy and Co. The popularity of this monthly event was very evident as a combinatio­n of cabin fever and a lack of bowls drew another great turnout.

Patricia Greig, Kevin Bates and Dave Wallace were our winners, with Rina Maree, Roxie Roxburgh and Stoffel Scheepers just one point behind in second place. Well done Patrica and team and thank you again to our sponsors Personal Trust.

What a wonderful turnout on Friday evening for the monthly braai and weekly draws, the bowling club is fast becoming the place to be in Kenton on Fridays. Cecily Massart was a very popular winner of the Attendance draw but Jerry “Joker” Catto was confounded by the real joker and missed the chance of claiming the bumper jackpot. Thank you Stompie and Mike, you guys did a sterling job behind the bar.

Not a great return for our Kenton teams in the Colleen Timm and Moore Shield competitio­ns at Kowie on Saturday with both our men and ladies struggling on the day and failing to trouble the scorers in either competitio­n.

A lovely story from the Eastern Areas (EA) pairs finals on Saturday though, where Ruth Low and “Maybe not so young” Ken Nixon lost a seesaw encounter in their section to Pieter and Margaret Stegman from Kowie. Having played in the trips the day before, young Ken Helise Hattingh won the final against Pieter and Margaret Stegman. Congrats to both teams as they have both qualified to play in the Eastern Province finals next week. Kowie men won both their games in the Moore Shield while our ladies won one and lost the other – well done.

Duties: Roll – Stephen Minaar, Mark – Rob Allin/Martin Slattery, Tabs – Debbie Slattery, Bar – Mike Ryan.

Port Alfred Bowling Club

The welcome rains which we had this last week put paid to the various competitio­ns that would have been played this week and gave everyone and the greens a welcome break.

The club senior men’s and ladies’ singles will be played at a later date which is convenient for everybody.

The greens were open again on Friday and we had our usual end of the month “bring and braai” as well as night bowls on Friday night. The winners of the Kekkel en Kraai night bowls was won by Phil Taylor, Andrew Nel and Marcel Mey.

The Colleen Timm and Moore Shield were played at Kowie Bowling Club on Saturday afternoon against Kowie and Kenton. Well done to our ladies who won both their games. Our men won one game and lost one game.

The finals of the EA Mixed Pairs were played at Kowie Bowling Club last weekend in perfect weather conditions. Congratula­tions to the winners Graham Enslin and Helise Hattingh from Kowie Bowling Club as well as the runners-up Pieter and Margaret Stegman who will go through to Port Elizabeth to play in the finals against Eastern Province on May 25 and 26.

The Alan Wilson Croquet Tournament will be played the whole week. The tournament has been well supported with entries having been received from all round the country.

Next weekend is the start of the EA Ladies’ and Men’s Novice and Senior Singles to be played at Kenton and Port Alfred Bowling Clubs. Please check the notice board to see where you will be playing.

The club mixed trips will commence on May 7. Please put your name on the board should you wish to play. Duties for the week ending May 11: Tab duty - M Renaud and J Armitage, Bar duty - Vic, Ron and Stan.

 ??  ?? PROUD DISPLAY: The kids at the Station Hill dojo under the tutelage of sensei Clive Naido proudly show the medals they won at the recently-held Eastern Province Goju Kai Karate Trials held in Port Elizabeth. From left, back row, are Naido, Tazmin Cannon (gold in kata and silver in kumite), Ophelia Swartz (silver in kumite), Andy Swartz (silver in Kumite), Shante Hilpert (gold in kumite) with, front row, Dante Hilpert (silver in kumite), Shaylee Hilpert-Swartz (gold in kumite) and Cecilia Majuza (bronze in kumite)
PROUD DISPLAY: The kids at the Station Hill dojo under the tutelage of sensei Clive Naido proudly show the medals they won at the recently-held Eastern Province Goju Kai Karate Trials held in Port Elizabeth. From left, back row, are Naido, Tazmin Cannon (gold in kata and silver in kumite), Ophelia Swartz (silver in kumite), Andy Swartz (silver in Kumite), Shante Hilpert (gold in kumite) with, front row, Dante Hilpert (silver in kumite), Shaylee Hilpert-Swartz (gold in kumite) and Cecilia Majuza (bronze in kumite)

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