Talk of the Town


- With BARBARA FRASER manager Foto First

Q Q: Tell us about your occupation.

A I’m the manager of Foto First

Q: What is the most satisfying aspect of the work you do?

I love the creativity side of my job, I love editing and taking photos

Q: What is the one tourist aspect you would recommend to a visitor to the Sunshine Coast?

There are so many beautiful places hard to choose just one place

Q: If you have a bucket list, what is the top item you would like to do?

Would love to travel

Q: What is your motto in life?

There is a saying one of my favourite customers told me, “Build a bridge and get over it” and I love to use it in my everyday life.

Q: What keeps you motivated?

My Family

Q: With the high unemployme­nt rate in our country, what do you think could be done to address the situation?

I feel a lot of the problems come from the fact there is so many people in our parliament earning fat salaries and too much theft

Q: Do you think enough is being done to reduce our carbon footprint on the planet? If not, what do you think could be done to change it?

The known eco-friendly power options exist and known to government but they are in the pocket of foreign energy suppliers.

Q: What is your favourite music of all time?

I love music and I like a variety

Q: What is the one item that is always in your fridge?

Apples and milk

Q: If you could be president of South Africa for one day, what would be the top three things you would do for your day in office?

1. Stringent labour laws must be relaxed to allow more flexibilit­y for employers/employees and government red tape regarding starting business must be ended, help don’t impede;

2. labour unions power must be curtailed, they hold the country economical­ly hostage;

3. government must regulate certain food stuffs at a national set rate so that the poor can at least afford to eat and the price of fuel must come down

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