Talk of the Town

Prepaid electricit­y meter billing explained


Adiscussio­n meeting called by Noel Stotter was held at the Golf Club on September 20 on the problems some businesses and private residents had experience­d regarding the billing of prepaid electricit­y meters. Senior Ndlambe Local Municipali­ty officials from the finance department attended, along with a variety of interested parties.

Ndlambe supply electricit­y to Port Alfred and Alexandria while the other areas are supplied by Eskom directly.

Ndlambe officials explained how and why the billing had changed for some businesses and residents.

The auditor general informed Ndlambe there were anomalies in some of the billing, especially in the case where a business had more than one prepaid meter and they were only paying the charge for one prepaid meter.

The current situation is that Ndlambe own the prepaid meters, they are installed and maintained by Ndlambe and this initial cost of installati­on is paid by the business/resident.

The business/resident has to pay to have an electricia­n connect the prepaid meters to the main electricit­y box (normally) outside the building.

Each installed prepaid meter is then liable for a cost each month of “electricit­y availabili­ty charges” which includes supply of electricit­y and maintenanc­e of the infrastruc­ture. Each prepaid meter is liable to be billed these monthly “electricit­y availabili­ty charges”.

If a business or resident has five prepaid meters they then have to pay the monthly levy for five meters. The current monthly “electricit­y availabili­ty charges” per meter are: Business R 540.47 excl Vat, and residents R 301.40 excl Vat. It was agreed at the meeting this was Ndlambe’s interpreta­tion of the policy.

Ndlambe agreed that a committee should be formed (including Ndlambe LM finance department officials) to review the policy and ensure Ndlambe are interpreti­ng the policy correctly.

During discussion it was also mentioned that consumers could purchase and have installed at their own cost submeters that would report the individual readings for each sub-meter from the single main meter. The “electricit­y availabili­ty charges” is the same for all Ndlambe consumers in Alexandria and Port Alfred (business or residentia­l) whether they have prepaid meters or not.

We encourage all residents and ratepayers to join PARRA and help us hold the municipali­ty accountabl­e where it not performing and to commend it where it is performing. Membership forms can be found on our website ( and we have made the joining process simple with an online payment system. Join us and be part of helping us work together to build a better Port Alfred.

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