Talk of the Town

Make sure you’re a citizen

- Pastor Theo Snyman – Quotations from New Internatio­nal Version

Philippian­s 3:20-21 says “our citizenshi­p is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body”.

Most of us are citizens of SA by birth, and the only way we can become citizens of heaven is by being born again.

The Lord Jesus said: “I tell you the truth, no-one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again” (John 3:3).

As citizens of heaven, we have certain privileges. For instance, we may now call the Lord God Almighty our Heavenly Father, the Lord Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour, and the Holy Spirit our comforter.

The privileges of this relationsh­ip are manifold and are far too many to mention here.

As we have to adhere to regulation­s imposed upon us by our government, so we have to submit to the requiremen­ts of heaven. These are recorded for us in the Word of God.

Disobeying the laws of the country may have temporary consequenc­es, but disobeying the Word of the Lord may have eternal ramificati­ons.

There is so much corruption in government circles today, so it is pleasing and refreshing to know that the throne of God is founded upon righteousn­ess and justice. The Lord is holy!

When we consider our home on earth and our home in heaven, there is just no comparison. Potholes in our streets filled with sewage, no water, no electricit­y, and a host of other inconvenie­nces will all be a thing of the past.

Heaven is not a myth, and our heavenly home will not be filled with imperfecti­ons.

Have you made absolutely sure that your citizenshi­p is in heaven?

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