Talk of the Town


- Port Alfred Bowling Club news by Brian Mclean

Kenton Bowling Club

The last few months of the year are always packed with bowls while we’re getting ready to welcome family and friends for the December holidays or go away ourselves.

Some of us started the week in recovery mode after playing in the enjoyable Kowie Classic last weekend.

Wednesday was time for the next round of the Dias Insurance competitio­n.

The winners this time were Mo Marsay and her team of Jerry Catto and Ian Edwards who annihilate­d their opponents. Our thanks go to Dias for their sponsorshi­p of this competitio­n, with one more round to go and a number of players vying for the top spot.

Thursday had four men’s teams and three women’s teams travel to Kowie for the penultimat­e round of the Kenton/Kowie and the Bess Tweedie competitio­n. We played on their lovely B green.

The day started off in the 30s but by the end of play we were all looking for our jerseys. Kowie were the winners, securing all the ladies’ matches.

The Kenton men shared the men’s matches 2-all, but Kowie had the higher shot profit. Thanks to Kowie for the lovely eats after the matches and as always for the great friendship that we share.

Inclement weather kept us off our greens for the rest of the week but some diehards gathered at the club on Friday afternoon during load-shedding (will it ever end) and the PT Meat Draw was won by Wendy Cloete. Congratula­tions Wendy, your voucher is waiting at Kenton Butchery.

In closing this week, I ask you all to keep Bill Bedford and Rina Maree in your thoughts and wish them a speedy return to better health. – Peter Levey

Kowie Bowling Club

After last week’s bumper Men’s Kowie Classic, there was some sort of normality at the club this week as players spent time with their spouses and friends.

Those that chose to play tabs in on Tuesday did so in cool, overcast weather where the bragging rights for the day went to Dave Tyrrell and his team of Rob Turner and Gavin Muir.

Thursday afternoon saw the fifth round of the ladies Bess Tweedie cup being played against Kenton. With some outstandin­g bowling, our ladies made a clean sweep of the afternoon by winning all three of their matches.

This means that with just one round to go, the Kowie ladies still have a chance to clinch the trophy. The leaderboar­d changed dramatical­ly after the fifth round and reads as follows.

Kenton are (still) leading on 16 points with a shot difference of +4. Kowie now stand on 14 points with a shot difference of -4 points.

The final round will be played at the Kowie BC on November 24 and promises to be a humdinger of note with everything to play for on the day.

The fifth round of the men’s Kowie vs Kenton competitio­n was also played. Kowie won two of their games convincing­ly, and lost two narrowly. The leaderboar­d shows that Kowie are on 24 points with a shot difference of +71, and Kenton are on 16 points with a shot difference of -71.

Intermitte­nt rain on Friday and Saturday put a stop to any further bowling at the club, but did not stop three teams from Kowie traveling up to Tarkastad to play in the annual Tarkastad classic.

Pieter Stegmann’s team of Robbie Muzzell, Dave Tyrrell and Peter May did rather well by winning three of their five games, ending in sixth place out of 14 teams. Jonty Alexander and his team of Andrew Meyer, Dave Thomas and Jacques Moolman also won three of their five games, and came in at seventh spot, due to shot difference.

All three teams reportedly had a wonderful weekend, rekindling old friendship­s and making new ones. As usual, the hospitalit­y was outstandin­g and the food terrific.

The club is very proud to announce that four members have been selected to represent EP.

Jackie Kriel has been picked to skip the senior ladies side, and Megan Kriel was chosen as lead for the EP A side. Stephen Minnaar will be skipping the men’s B side, with Jason Prince as his second. Well done chaps. – Mike Ryan

Port Alfred Bowling Club

The first round of the mixed drawn fours was played last Tuesday afternoon with just a handful of players turning out for tabs.

In the drawn fours, Trevor, Louise, Bill and Sheila went down to Ron, Noeline, Christo and Anna, while Hein, Joan, Joanne and Gail lost to Jenny, Peter, Julie and Ilse. Jen and her team now play Ron and his side in the final.

Due to the consistent drizzle over the past couple of days, no bounce game took place last Friday nor tabs-in on Saturday.

However, birthday night still went ahead with newly married Chris Avis (October 7), Shar Coleman (October 8), Ron Orford (October 9) and Helen Cowie (October 26), all wished well.

Today (Thursday), four Port Alfred men’s teams and two ladies’ sides travel to Kenton to compete in the last leg of the Les Clarke and Doris Ford competitio­n. All teams are hoping for a good performanc­e against* their coastal opponents.

Yesterday (Wednesday), the Kowie Bowling Club hosted the annual SPCA day with several teams from Port Alfred having entered. The funds raised all go to the SPCA, so please be generous.

The Kenton GBS day is set for Saturday October 29 so once again, support is needed. Talk about a lot of bowls.

The B green at the club has been well worked on by Neil McCullam and so far is looking good. Great stuff Neil.

On the entertainm­ent front, a turnabout party coupled with a build-a-burger evening is set for this Saturday night involving both bowlers and croquet players.

On the turnabout front, even if you don’t want to wear a false moustache or a women’s bra filled with tennis balls, just come as you are and support. It should be a fun evening.

Lastly, we wish Yvonne Surtees well when she flies to Egypt soon to spend time with her daughter who lives in the US. —

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