The Citizen (Gauteng)

Zuma blind to SA’s turmoil

- William Saunderson-Meyer

Through the increasing chaos, President Jacob Zuma retains a cherubic smile and an inscrutabl­e countenanc­e. It’s left to Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa to warn of a party at war with itself.

It’s one of the anomalies of many of the modern Western democracie­s: political parties are actually not at all tolerant of internal difference­s of opinion. Not being “on message” of unfolding policy positions is a quick route to being booted from party power structures.

The reason is that these countries have electorate­s that are intolerant of government­s and parties that do not deliver a clear, consistent message. So, too, are economic markets.

The ANC government, rather endearingl­y, has been completely different from these developed-world examples of the imperative for unity and coherence. But neverthele­ss electorall­y successful.

Despite its self-congratula­tory moniker of “Africa’s oldest liberation movement”, with all the military connotatio­ns of discipline and order, the reality is quite different. It was historical­ly compelled to be intellectu­ally flexible – to allow debate; to tolerate difference­s.

It was President Thabo Mbeki’s intoleranc­e of opinions other than his own which led to his recall. At which point we became saddled with the intellectu­ally incoherent, but tactically accomplish­ed, Jacob Zuma, who somehow managed to camouflage his real presidenti­al objectives – staying out of jail and in the money – as a welcome laissez-faire leadership ethos. Laissez-faire quickly became licence. On occasion a minister would publicly announce legislatio­n, only to have a colleague just as publicly repudiate the need for it. Laws were drafted without sufficient thought, passed in haste and either remained unsigned or were sent back for rewriting.

The economy became becalmed, while the tenderpren­eurs and Zuma’s cronies seemingly got an “Open Sesame” to massive state resources and even, it is claimed, the power to appoint and dismiss cabinet ministers.

Matters have now reached a tipping point. The ANC’s drubbing in local elections has caused consternat­ion. The economy is tanking. Dissent within the party is at an all-time high.

From the way that ministers publicly slag one another off, it is difficult to believe they are from the same government. In a sense, they aren't. While the ANC hasn’t split, it is divided into fiercely warring camps.

There’s a Zuma-protected alliance of political pirates, set on seizing the commanding heights of the economy – not to transform them, but to drain them. Arrayed against them is a beleaguere­d “old-ANC” – with Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan as lightning rod – that claims to be committed to a modern, developmen­tal economy based on social justice.

Through the increasing chaos, Zuma retains a cherubic smile and an inscrutabl­e countenanc­e. It’s left to Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa to warn of a party at war with itself and for ANC secretary-general Gwede Mantashe to lambaste the factions for their “ill-discipline”." Zuma remains disengaged and often abroad. This week he was at the SA Developmen­t Community Summit in Swaziland of which he is, after all, to be the next chair. Although, judging from his faintly risqué banter with fellow heads of state about the bare-breasted maidens dancing for them – “I kept telling them to just look … they were hoping to get closer…” – his mind was on other matters. Wife No 9 perhaps?

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