The Citizen (Gauteng)

Adding special colours to your exercise

- Sean van Staden @SeanvStade­n @ SeanVStade­n @thecolorru­nsa @ TheCitizen­Sport

It is a stunning time of the year and people seem to be a little jollier and a little happier. You guessed it; it is Spring and you know what that means. This is your last big effort to trim down, build some confidence and be December beach-ready.

If you have doubts, it simply means you have not started anything yet or haven’t changed your eating habits and lifestyle. Fear not my “fitness fanatic wannabes”; there is hope for you. My goal is to find the very best fun-filled activities for you.

Now, if you haven’t heard of the Colour Run yet, I’ve got something amazing to share with you and the best part is that I am giving away five free double tickets so there will be no excuse as to why you can’t get active. In 2012, the Colour Run was created to help promote health, happiness and to give back. I have attended this event before and the run is going to change your perspectiv­e on exercise and the best part about it is that it is fun for the whole family.

The event is a 5km un-timed race in which thousands of participan­ts or “Colour Runners” are doused from head to toe in different colours. An amazing stat is that 50% of participan­ts are in fact first-timers – both to the event and to a 5km run. The reason why this event has grown to over 200 events worldwide and is active in 50 countries is because of how they have “gamified” exercise and infused it with extreme fun.

You begin with a beautiful “Omo white” shirt and then at the 1km mark they arm you with coloured, washout friendly powder to bomb everyone in sight. Young or old, everyone is your target to launch with colour. This happens at every 1km mark and each time the colour changes. It’s a fun-filled frenzy and you just can’t wait to get to the next station. The furthest thing from your mind during the entire 5km race is actual fitness or exercise and that is why they call this the “happiest 5km on the planet”.

The fun does not stop there though; at the end of the race there is an unforgetta­ble party awaiting you, equipped with music, dancing and the most brilliant mass crowd colour throws.

The Colour Run has grown into a national event and can be found in nearly every province. For more details on where you can enter, go to thecolorru­ The great thing about this event is that it is alcohol-free and kids under 10 years of age enter for free. To make sure you experience this amazing event the great PR team at Headline have given me five double tickets to give away. All you have to do is tweet me the following punchline – I want tickets to the “Happiest 5k on the planet”

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