The Citizen (Gauteng)

Enemy of my enemy not a friend

- Andrew Kenny

President Trump throws doubt on the ancient saying: “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” In war, this might be true. In June 1941, when Nazi Germany invaded Communist Russia, Winston Churchill, a lifelong opponent of communism, immediatel­y threw British support behind Russia. He was right.

Peace is more complicate­d. Trump has a wide range of political enemies who loathe him. These include the Washington and London political establishm­ents, elitist newspapers like the New York Times and the Guardian, condescend­ing broadcaste­rs like CNN and the BBC and other rich, socialist bigots. I am dismayed when decent people say: “If these ghastly snobs hate him so much, he must be good.”

He isn’t. Trump might have done some useful things in his short presidency but mainly he has been boorish, inconsiste­nt, prejudiced and wrong. In many instances, he has followed the policies of those who hate him and whom he hates.

He is protection­ist like the hardline Democrat socialist Bernie Sanders. Like Sanders, he believes open trade with other countries is bad for American people – it isn’t, it enriches them. He even repeated the anticapita­list nonsense that he wanted “fair trade” rather than “free trade”.

This is the sort of slogan you’d expect from wealthy green imperialis­ts such as Greenpeace or Oxfam, who want to dictate to poor countries how they should trade. Free trade is clear and simple and good for everyone. It can mean anything anyone wants it to mean.

Trump also copies the bullying nonsense of the climate alarmists. It is easy to show scientific­ally that mankind is not changing the climate in a dangerous way. Trump doesn’t do so. Instead, he makes the idiotic claim that climate alarm “is a hoax invented by the Chinese”. This is as bad as the drivel of the alarmists that “97% of scientists” support the alarm.

Trump wants the US to spend even more on its military. But it already spends far more than necessary, more than the next 14 countries put together.

How can anyone who believes in small government – which surely is what Republican­s should believe – support a man who wants to increase government spending so outrageous­ly?

Trump seems to be mesmerisin­g the world. We should wake out of our trance and judge him objectivel­y, regardless of his enemies.

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