The Citizen (Gauteng)

Death may lurk in floodwater­s



Warning against snakes, sharks and crocodiles in wake of devastatin­g storms.

Wading through flooded areas can be dangerous anywhere in the world, but in Australia the waters may contain snakes, crocodiles and sharks, as well as rubbish and sewage.

One of the striking photograph­s showing the impact of the category four Cyclone Debbie, which smashed through northeast Australia this week, was a paramedic’s photo of a large bull shark that washed up on a road near the town of Ayr.

And sharks are not the only unusual sightings in flood waters in Australia’s tropical north. Queensland state authoritie­s warned that crocodiles and snakes could also be lurking around after Debbie hit.

“Flooded waterways increase the possibilit­ies of crocodiles and other animals, such as snakes, turning up in unexpected places,” the state’s environmen­t and heritage protection department said.

“In most circumstan­ces, crocodiles will be moving through, trying to get out of fast-flowing creeks and waterways to the quieter areas they prefer.

“Snakes are good swimmers and they too may turn up in unexpected places and may even find their way into people’s properties,” a spokespers­on said.

Paramedic Lisa Smith, who photograph­ed the bull shark, said she was stunned to find it lying near the Burdekin River.

“At first I thought it was a dolphin, but then I thought ‘nah, there wouldn’t be any dolphins around here’,” Smith told Brisbane’s Courier Mail.

“I thought there were just crocs in that river. This should definitely teach people to never walk in floodwater­s as you never know what’s in them.” – AFP & Reuters

 ?? Picture: EPA ?? STREETS AWASH. Residents negotiate floodwater­s in central Lismore, New South Wales, Australia, yesterday. The Wilsons River breached its banks.
Picture: EPA STREETS AWASH. Residents negotiate floodwater­s in central Lismore, New South Wales, Australia, yesterday. The Wilsons River breached its banks.
 ?? Picture: Supplied. ?? UNBELIEVAB­LE. A paramedic took this photograph two days ago of a bull shark lying on dry land where it had been washed up by floods.
Picture: Supplied. UNBELIEVAB­LE. A paramedic took this photograph two days ago of a bull shark lying on dry land where it had been washed up by floods.

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