The Citizen (Gauteng)

Rather late than never


- Mark Jones

Car fills sweet spot between the mighty M4 and budget friendly models lower down.

It was already back in May 2016 that the BMW 4 Series range was given a refreshed engine range, and with the new updated 4 Series range being able from May this year, we now only finally got to actually drive a 440i Coupe.

I am not sure exactly what it is, but it would seem that media road test cars fall into some black hole that starts in the Western Cape area, and then somehow battle to make their way back to the Reef while their newsworthi­ness is still current.

I guess the smoke and mirrors of the actual meaningful sales value of social media, bloggers and influencer­s will also continue until somebody can actually come up with a real world way of measuring this aspect of the business, while we as good old ABC audited and measured print media, that ironically also uses website, Twitter, Facebook, etc as value add components, continue to chase the latest news regardless of ad money spent.

So it’s with this positive and profession­al frame of mind that I still jumped at the chance to drive the soon to be replaced 440i Coupe. The flagship 440i, non M engine, has been reinvented and improved over the ever-fresh 435i to once again create a new six-cylinder in-line unit of 3.0-litre capacity running a single turbo with BMW TwinPower Turbo technology on board.

This means that you now get a maximum output of 240kW of power, an increase of 15kW, from the previous generation and a full 450Nm of twist from as low as 1 380rpm when you opt to have the 440i badge on the boot. The car channels its power through a fast and smooth shifting eight-speed Sports auto transmissi­on to the rear wheels.

Being the Sports auto means that the car has a version of launch control, I say version because it is not quite the DCT double clutch stuff you might be used to where the car dials in a set rpm and waits for you to release it. The 440i here uses the old fashioned method of running the car against the transmissi­on by left foot braking it and hitting the accelerato­r till you see the launch flag.

Either way, the car jumps off the line with quite a lot of wheelspin and runs to a 0-100km/h of just over 5.45 seconds, while the quarter mile is done in 13.59 seconds, and the 1km mark covered in a fast 228.75km/h. These numbers are all better than any 35i version of Coupe I have tested, while the top speed comes up quickly around the usual electronic­ally limited mark of 250km/h with 258km/h showing on the speedo.

What might also be of importance, this improved 3.0-litre turbocharg­ed urge does not come at expense of fuel consumptio­n. BMW claim fuel consumptio­n and CO2 emissions are both reduced by up to 12 percent and the 440i Coupe should get 6.6 litres per 100km. But we all know you would need to be living in a dream world to believe that this is possible on an actual road on planet earth.

I averaged 9.1 litres per 100km for the week I had the car, and this includes the flat out testing, and I think this is excellent for such a powerful car. Driving on the open road and with some restraint, you could easily get down into the 7s and 8s.

The handling of course is typically BMW, in that it is slightly firm but very engaging. The 440i Coupe fills the sweet spot between the mighty M4 and the more budget friendly models lower down in the 4 Series range. In saying that, this Coupe does not come for free, it retails for R843 300 as a base Sportline 440i, and test car topped out at over R940 000 thanks to a host of options fitted.

For more informatio­n and latest pricing visit

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