The Citizen (Gauteng)



- Simnikiwe Hlatshanen­i –

Foundation­s call on parliament to unite in a vote against the country’s president.

The grieving widow of the late ANC stalwart Ahmed Kathrada made an impassione­d plea to all South Africans and ANC Cabinet members yesterday, to unite and fight against President Jacob Zuma and his “dastardly deeds”.

Former public enterprise­s minister Barbara Hogan called on South Africans to unite during a press briefing after Zuma reshuffled his Cabinet early yesterday.

Visibly incensed by the move, as well as the postponeme­nt of the state memorial service for her late husband, Hogan called Zuma’s actions a defining moment. Hogan said that the foundation had initially welcomed the Presidency’s intention to host a service for Kathrada, but following the news of the reshuffle, began to have doubts.

“Last night, when the news began to filter through about the dastardly deeds that were being done in dark corners of this country, many of us on the panel began to have second thoughts about whether we would want a commemorat­ion under the auspices of a president who has clearly gone rogue.”

Hogan said Zuma had clearly defied his own party, citing the response by the ANC, as well as Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa, who criticised the reshuffle.

“You have a deputy president saying clearly and forthright­ly the removal of the [former]minister of finance and his deputy was based on a dubious intelligen­ce report; you have a secretary-general of the ANC saying loudly and clearly the list of ministers who were to be replaced and taken out did not come from the ANC, it came from another side.

“What does that mean to us? It means quite simply that the president is not applying his mind in making decisions about one of the most critical issues in the country,” she said.

The Ahmed Kathrada and the Nelson Mandela foundation­s also announced that it would, along with the SA Communist Party in Gauteng, hold a memorial service for Kathrada this afternoon at the Johannesbu­rg City Hall. Axed finance minister Pravin Gordhan will be speaking there.

Also speaking at yesterday’s briefing was Nelson Mandela Foundation chief executive officer Sello Hatang, who echoed Hogan’s sentiments, calling Zuma’s actions “reckless”; while Ahmed Kathrada Foundation director, Neeshan Balton, expressed the foundation’s disappoint­ment.

A joint statement by the foundation­s called for mass protest.

“We support the rallying calls resounding across South Africa for all South African citizens to make their voices heard and take action to safeguard the future of all our children,” it said.

The foundation­s called for ministers and leaders of the ANC to call on Zuma to step down. They called on parliament to immediatel­y debate a motion of no confidence, and for all members to unite in voting Zuma out.

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? This country is not for sale. Barbara Hogan
This country is not for sale. Barbara Hogan
 ??  ?? Fight in defence of our sovereignt­y. Zwelinzima Vavi
Fight in defence of our sovereignt­y. Zwelinzima Vavi
 ??  ?? Totally, totally unacceptab­le. Cyril Ramaphosa
Totally, totally unacceptab­le. Cyril Ramaphosa
 ??  ?? I am prepared to fight to the end. Mmusi Maimane
I am prepared to fight to the end. Mmusi Maimane
 ??  ?? Gigaba’s corrupt to the core. Julius Malema
Gigaba’s corrupt to the core. Julius Malema
 ??  ?? Our souls are not for sale. Pravin Gordhan
Our souls are not for sale. Pravin Gordhan
 ?? Picture: Tracy Lee Stark ?? INDIGNATIO­N. Barbara Hogan, Kathrada’s widow, speaks to the media at a press conference at the Nelson Mandela Foundation yesterday.
Picture: Tracy Lee Stark INDIGNATIO­N. Barbara Hogan, Kathrada’s widow, speaks to the media at a press conference at the Nelson Mandela Foundation yesterday.

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