The Citizen (Gauteng)

ANC error sheds light on NEC meeting

- Amanda Watson

Change of leadership and attendant issues.

That was the first item in a long list of “discussion points” apparently on last night’s agenda of the ANC’s National Working Committee meeting.

However, it does not seem as if President Jacob Zuma is going anywhere, with two consecutiv­e discussion points on the list being “Reshuffle triggered resurgence of dead movement #ZumaMustFa­ll” followed by “Firm belief that they can remove President Zuma”.

The list of “discussion points” was emailed by the ANC to everyone on its media mailing list and details, among other things, rebuilding trust in society; apologisin­g for a display of unity; and condemning the actions of alliance partners Cosatu and the SACP.

Both Cosatu and the SACP have called on President Jacob Zuma to resign.

Shortly after the list – which reads more as a set of orders to be complied with than actual discussion points – was mailed, it was followed by another email from ANC spokespers­on Zizi Kodwa, in which he stated the list of discussion points had been sent in error.

“The African National Congress has noted erroneous communicat­ion send to the ANC Media List from ANC Communicat­ions,” said Kodwa.

“This communicat­ion was sent out in error, is not an official statement of the ANC neither does it represent the views of the ANC,” Kodwa said, adding it should not be used for purposes of reporting.

However, it was widely circulated on social media.

Another “discussion point” includes “markets should not dictate to the movement”.

The list contains ominous overtones for former finance minister Pravin Gordhan as a loyal ANC cadre, as he features several times. “Mobilising by Cde Pravin”, “Irreparabl­e breakdown of the relationsh­ip between the President and Former Finance Minister” and “Sustained contestati­on over the ANC and Treasury” gives insight to what was happening behind the scenes last night.

The list also stipulates there is no change in fiscal policy, which raises the question why Gordhan was removed.

“The ANC will convene a media briefing tomorrow, 5th April 2017 [today] to give feedback to society and the media on the outcomes of the National Working Committee as confirmed earlier,” said Kodwa.

‘ Reshuffle triggered resurgence of dead movement #ZumaMustFa­ll’

One of the ‘discussion points’ debated by the ANC’s NEC last night

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