The Citizen (Gauteng)

From a democratic to autocratic SA


The change in SA is so gradual that it goes unnoticed by the ordinary citizen. SA changed from a democratic state to an autocratic state. The SA constituti­on is one of the best but it is basically useless since those who govern have broken all the rules and ignored its requiremen­ts.

This constituti­on, implemente­d by an honest government, would have resulted in a prosperous SA with economic growth, limited unemployme­nt and peace among its citizens.

Unfortunat­ely the ANC government is led by an uncouth president who selected an army of ANC gangsters to support him in his selfish and crooked ways.

Like Jacob Zuma, pictured, they have no integrity, shame or conscience. Like Zuma, they waste the hard-earned money of SA taxpayers. SA has earned the distrust and contempt of all overseas investors.

In a short period of 20 years, a prosperous SA has spiralled down to a failed state. Zuma’s actions cost SA billions.

Zuma has sold his soul and the country to the Guptas. Those MPs who did not support him, like Gordhan and Jonas, were fired by him.

In their places he appointed his puppets Abrahams, Gigaba and the new public protector. The ANC government is rotten to the core.

For SA to return to a truly democratic state, this impregnabl­e cordon of Zuma puppets must be thrown out of government.

Ministers of good standing must be chosen. The powers of the president should be limited considerab­ly to ensure that 60 million people will not continue to suffer. Theo Smith, Benoni

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