The Citizen (Gauteng)

The SACP is reducing communist danger

- Andrew Kenny

Communism is an oppressive and destructiv­e force, especially for poor people. Anything that reduces its malign influence should be welcomed. So we should be glad that the SA Communist Party has decided to contest the next general election on its own, separate from the ANC.

Communism has been ruling various countries around the world for 100 years. The results are always the same: economic ruin, tyranny, crushing poverty, the strangling of ideas and enterprise, working people trampled into the dirt by a Marxist elite, and massive inequality.

Communist North Korea is probably the most unequal society on Earth now.

Working people always want to flee from communist countries to capitalist countries. Never the other way round.

The SACP has been linked to the ANC for far too long, with awful results for our economy.

The ANC has never had any clear economic ideas of its own, and has mainly just adopted those from the SACP. Since it came to power in 1994, the ANC has produced half-baked economic plans, including the RDP, Asgisa, the NDP and now the 14 Point Plan.

But underlying this confusion are the very clear aims of the Communist Party: increasing state control, increasing threats to property rights and increasing hatred of private enterprise – except when it benefits their elite.

The last point is important. The communist elite wants the private sector to provide it with luxurious motorcars, and excellent private schools and private hospitals. But it wants the state to provide everybody else with third-rate public transport, state schools and state hospitals.

The fundamenta­l reason why the SA economy has performed so disappoint­ingly since 1994 and is in dire straits now is because of these communist ideas.

The fact that the SACP threatens to stand on its own at the next election will not remove its influence over the ANC. But it might reduce it. And if they do, it will demonstrat­e the true level of communist support among ordinary people.

Communism is a colonial idea dreamt up by bourgeois Europeans such as Karl Marx.

Marxism is probably Africa’s worst colonial influence of all.

The SACP has unwittingl­y now taken an important step to reducing it.

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