The Citizen (Gauteng)

Dagga nearly legal, MPs hear


Potential growers of cannabis for medicinal purposes could apply for licences before the year is out, it emerged in parliament yesterday.

Briefing the portfolio committee on health, the Medicines Control Council’s (MCC) Griffiths Molewa said they would approve regulation­s in the next few weeks.

Proposed guidelines for growing cannabis for medicinal purposes was published for comment in March. Hundreds of comments were received, including 175 from members of the public, 221 from associatio­ns and NGOs, four from industry associatio­ns and two from government department­s.

The regulation­s were establishe­d to change the scheduling of cannabis from a banned substance to a prescribed substance for medical use.

“The MCC is meeting next week to approve these [regulation­s and applicatio­n forms] and then they are for use by the public,” health director-general Precious Matsoso said.

Matsoso said the legalisati­on of cannabis use for medicinal purposes was a huge step and needs various government department­s to buy in and assist.

“In terms of the growing process, the Agricultur­al Research Council has been applying, but now it’s a process that requires partnershi­p between, among others, the department of agricultur­e, the department of science and technology and the department of trade and industry,” she said.

“I’m hoping that for this purpose there will be an inter-ministeria­l committee. It’s something that’s so significan­t it requires that kind of response.”

The growing of cannabis will not be a free-for-all as the department has to guard against the abuse of dagga. Strict requiremen­ts for growers will be set, including good agricultur­al practices. MPs were told hygiene would be the “cornerston­e” of cultivatin­g and growing dagga.

Strict security requiremen­ts would also be set. Patients who would qualify would include people suffering from severe and chronic pain, to those suffering from multiple sclerosis, cancer and HIV/Aids.

The use of cannabis for medical purposes was brought to the attention of parliament when cancer-ridden Inkatha Freedom Party MP Mario Oriani Ambrosini pleaded to change the law as he had been using cannabis for pain relief.

Ambrosini died in 2014. – ANA

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