The Citizen (Gauteng)

West Rand’s Maneli responds


- Mm@mogalecity.

Ask Your Mayor?

1. My name is Bongani Khumalo, from Rietvallei Ext 2, Mogale City. We have a bakery ready to start operating, but we have a problem with Eskom, which has quoted us R111 000 for an upgrade to three-phase electricit­y. How can you help us? We just want to create jobs. Bongani Khumalo, Mogale City.

Mayor Maneli: One must start by acknowledg­ing the efforts taken by you to uplift yourself and contribute to the economy of the region.

Setting up a business is always a risk that few people take, but the opportunit­ies it opens up for you and your community are tremendous.

As local government, our obligation is to attempt to address the socio-economic disparitie­s of our communitie­s.

While municipali­ties are ordinarily licensed distributo­rs of electricit­y in its areas of jurisdicti­on, the distributi­on of electricit­y in Rietvallei Ext 2 is licensed to Eskom. These are some of the remnants of the previous dispensati­on, from which we cannot at this point extricate ourselves. We are not in a position to interfere in the management of Eskom’s structures.

That said, we have the West Rand Developmen­t Agency (WRDA), whose objectives are, among others, to identify and support endeavours that seek to advance the developmen­t of the West Rand as a region.

They are mandated to focus on providing assistance to cooperativ­es and SMMEs in the region. We would like to believe that with their assistance, you might be better placed to continue with your aspiration­s of running that Bakery in Kagiso.

The contact for the WRDA is 081-450-4210. Wishing you the best.

2. Please can you explain why the Bob Van Reenen Sports Stadium is still standing derelict? We want to see arrests, money reclaimed and the stadium rebuilt so the youth, especially the underprivi­leged black schools, can again get access to sports facilities. As CEO of the NGO Froneman Foundation, I would be very keen to help in this process. I also suggest renaming the stadium to a more modern name. Please can you put me in touch with the correct people to move this project forward. The site now is a haven for drugs and homeless people. Andre Fronenan, Froneman Foundation.

Mayor Maneli: An adaptation of a line in a poem written by Robert Burns: “The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry” best captures the feeling one has in relation to the Bob Van Reenen stadium project.

If the plans for the upgrade of the stadium had come to fruition, the West Rand would have a world-class stadium available for use by its communitie­s.

Being unable to raise the funds to cause the completion of the project, the municipali­ty had no other alternativ­e but to prioritise the safety of its community members by closing up the stadium.

It is great to read that you understand that government cannot always do everything alone, and we commend all members of the community that are willing to work with government to ensure that we are able to advance our country.

Please liaise with the office of the municipal manager at Mogale City Local Municipali­ty to engage with them on any assistance you can possibly give towards this noble and much-needed project.

The contact details of the municipal manager’s office are: 011-951-2013. Correspond­ence can be sent to

Your correspond­ence to the municipali­ty can also address the suggestion of the renaming of the stadium.

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