The Citizen (Gauteng)




1. Slowly stop doing art works at minor station (5,2,1,4) 8. Old smell is overwhelmi­ng street musicians (7) 9. Squeeze out state (7) 11. Bad cuts limited top officer last year at first, briefly (10) 12. Bird’s jaw (4) 14. A quid wasted on over half of Irish cocktail (8) 16. Shuts cupboards after removing tons (6) 17. Attempt score at Twickenham (3) 19. Warden called lady in palace (6) 21. English county fortunate to dismiss opener in part of U.S. (8) 24. Obscure unfinished descriptio­n on cover (4) 25. Prince not returning for dance (10) 27. Set aside European weapon on first boat (7) 28. Where to put ham enjoying success? (2,1,4) 29. What obsessivel­y preoccupie­d DJ has? (3-5,4)


1. Poor coaching, lacking adult? They may be in the soup (7) 2. Establishe­s badger sett in situ (10) 3. Refuse collector spilt custard at rear of restaurant (8) 4. With no top, handsome Romeo’s boring too (6) 5. Help your product’s expansion primarily? (4) 6. Old doctors cover all but bottom of thorax (7) 7. Think ‘fit’ means ‘significan­t’ (12) 10. Satellite is flying freely by end of May acceptably well (12) 13. One label on the rise impresses young showbiz people (10) 15. Church of Scotland needs leader to make incense (3) 18. Yes, castle contains British almanac (8) 20. Poles collect currency over time, a minuscule quantity (7) 22. Mix of cod maybe a tabby initially snaffled? (3,4) 23. Some people say he throws part of game on horseback (6) 26. A bit chewed at end of line? (4)

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