The Citizen (Gauteng)

Cosatu worried about mini budget statement


The Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu) said yesterday that it was looking ahead to the medium-term budget policy statement (MTBPS) with some trepidatio­n even though it hoped that finance minister Malusi Gigaba would rise to the occasion.

Gigaba will deliver his inaugural MTBPS tomorrow, setting out the fiscal policy objectives and government spending priorities over the three-year expenditur­e cycle.

Gigaba has an unenviable task of closing government debt, consolidat­ing fiscal policy, ensuring adherence of austerity measures while bankrollin­g critical government programmes like higher education, social welfare, and broke state-owned enterprise­s (SOEs), all amid bleak economic growth forecasts.

In a statement, Cosatu said this policy statement comes at a time when the economy has barely recovered from the technical recession and is yet to pull through towards a firm growth trajectory.

The labour union federation said South Africa was struggling with an unemployme­nt rate of 38%, with close to 10 million people struggling to get jobs and more than half-a-million jobs lost in two years, and 17 million people on welfare.

Cosatu said things were made worse by the dramatic Cabinet reshuffles in March and October that saw ministers in key portfolios fired, and two sovereign rating agencies downgradin­g South Africa to junk status.

“It is disquietin­g that the fifth administra­tion has been presiding over economic con- traction and job-losses over an extended period and we hope that the mini budget statement can come up with policy proposals to arrest this downward spiral,” Cosatu said

“The medium-term repayment of the R2.2 trillion worth of the total public debt, some of which is denominate­d in US dollars or other foreign currencies, has the potential to actually undermine our national self-determinat­ion and threaten the course of the national democratic revolution.

“This debt burden can only balloon more as long as the governance of most of the SOEs continues to deteriorat­e, as we regularly read disturbing reports of massive looting that is taking place in the SOEs linked to the Guptas and others.”

Last month, the federation took to the streets in a national strike against corruption and state capture.

Cosatu also said it wants Eskom’s status as a natural monopolist in the electricit­y supply market in South Africa to be protected and defended.

“Energy is a public good and must remain state owned otherwise we will continue to pay high tariffs, which are detrimenta­l to job creation and industrial developmen­t,” Cosatu said in a statement.

“Independen­t power producers must be systematic­ally introduced and renewable energy must be sold at 31 cents kWh instead of the proposed 67 cents.”

It added in reference to plans to procure new nuclear plants: “The minister needs to make it clear that he is opposed to the nuclear deal because the country cannot afford it at the moment.” – ANA

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