The Citizen (Gauteng)

Cyril’s inclusive economic policy


- Eric Naki

Background in business, labour is strong point of ANC presidenti­al candidate.

Let’s be radical but inclusive, let everybody be a participan­t in our economic transforma­tion. That’s the unequivoca­l gist of ANC presidenti­al hopeful Cyril Ramaphosa’s economic vision.

He espouses radical economic transforma­tion (RET) as an ANC policy, but does not believe that it should be about robbing Peter to pay Paul.

Ramaphosa, who is among seven candidates vying for the ANC presidency at the party’s December national conference, believes everybody should contribute to the transforma­tion and growth of the economy.

His campaign message centred around ANC renewal, anticorrup­tion and economic transforma­tion. A united and vibrant ANC, a corruption-free state and a growing economy would be the key pillars of his leadership.

Several people close to the Ramaphosa campaign told The Citizen that unlike other candidates who make fiery rhetoric around RET, Ramaphosa would take a sober approach to the matter.

His vision on the issue was not to fight with or antagonise big business, but to engage it and make it understand why change was necessary.

“In reality, we need radical economic transforma­tion and Ramaphosa is the best to lead that,” a senior ANC member said. “He is able to engage both business and labour if you consider his position in the National Economic Developmen­t Labour Council.

“He is able to bring the social partners together, that’s what needs to happen to our economy.”

The economy deteriorat­ed due to the lack of trust by both business and labour in the current administra­tion. There was a need to be sensitive but firm about transforma­tion.

“At the moment, there is low

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