The Citizen (Gauteng)


15 629



1. Radical football club welcomes a national? Not half! (7) 5. Say yes to mushroom during performanc­e (6) 9. Find ski? (3,4) 10. Paint a picture of wine with fish (7) 11. Low earth satellite last to disappear (3) 12. Lounge at home contains parents and traffic warden (8,3) 13. Short Monday upset traveller (5) 14. Liza recalled tucking into badly burnt fruit (6,3) 16. Exhausted guide housed in oriental temple (6,3) 17. Dim pub stocks beer with no head (5) 19. Dogmatic old wing worried Democrat (11) 22. Vessel tied up in Melbourne (3) 23. System of rods and levers leaking badly (7) 24. Prince regularly played cool instrument (7) 26. Cutter tried navigating around circle (6) 27. Soup and food upset cardinal (7)


1. Admirer brings in more nuts for boxer (7) 2. Such officers manage in semi with no mod cons (15) 3. Extremely tense leading characters in Oval Office (3) 4. American allies traverse waterway (5) 5. Reduced computer firm is unable to enrol one job-seeker (9) 6. Load fuel needed to make –––– (5) 7. Motorcade, for example, left guy due to raw winds (11,4) 8. Extremely chary gannet avoids an immature bird (6) 12. Parisian articles hide Dutch spoon (5) 14. Maybe grizzly private visits barber, needing makeover (5,4) 15. Insert medal in papers (5) 16. Start to work with wood exclusivel­y (6) 18. Picked up squaddie showing malice (7) 20. Stir paint that’s unsuitable (5) 21. Issue pith helmet and cape (5) 25. What doves do, also timeless aquatic bird (3)

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