The Citizen (Gauteng)

Trump’s foul mouth needs to be punished


The struggle against Trump’s racist policies must be intensifie­d, writes Mohamed Saeed

Inever really imagined that Americans will vote for a worse leader than warmonger George W Bush. US President Donald Trump’s recent vile, derogatory, xenophobic and racist remarks to describe some African, Haitians and Arab countries cannot be accepted and seem to surpass Bush’s rhetoric. With voicing their objections and criticisin­g Trump’s garbage, global leaders, and es- pecially countries that have been targeted by Trump’s offensive comments, should do more to prevent the rubbish Trump spews.

The vulgar language that he used festers when ignorance and bigotry is aligned with power, supremacy and privilege.

Since World War II, the government of the US is manufactur­ing brutal wars all around the world resulting in displaceme­nt, poverty and unemployme­nt – and Trump has the nerve to label countries whose population­s are not white as “sh*tholes”. It was the colonial exploitati­on perpetrate­d mainly by Western countries such as the US that contribute­d, and are still contributi­ng, to African and Middle Eastern financial, economic and political problems.

The comments should be effectivel­y confronted using every channel to bring this ignorant and undignifie­d president to account.

Using diplomatic channels and alternativ­e interventi­on methods such as mobilising anti-racism institutio­ns, the struggle against Trump’s racist and discrimina­tion policies, his sycophant puppets and imperialis­m must be intensifie­d.

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