The Citizen (Gauteng)

Labour’s plan if it takes over govt



Morgan Stanley warns that Labour winning power is bigger risk than Brexit.


Britain’s financial sector will be “the servant of industry, not the masters of us all” if the opposition Labour Party gets into power, its leader Jeremy Corbyn said yesterday, accusing bankers of taking the economy hostage.

Corbyn, a socialist who has won over many voters with his promises to renational­ise services and increase public spending, has long targeted London’s lucrative financial sector, saying politician­s have become in thrall of money-makers for too long.

In a speech to a manufactur­ers’ conference, Corbyn renewed his pledge to rebalance Britain’s economy if he wins power in an election not due until 2022. He also criticised Prime Minister Theresa May for offering little clarity over Brexit.

“For a generation, instead of finance serving industry, politician­s have served finance. We’ve seen where that ends: the productive economy, our public services and people’s lives being held hostage by a small number of too-bigto-fail banks and casino financial institutio­ns,” he said.

“No more. The next Labour government will be the first in 40 years to stand up for the real economy. We will take decisive action to make finance the servant of industry not the masters of us all.”

Big business has been cautious towards Labour, with financial services company Morgan Stanley warning investors that Corbyn winning power was a bigger political risk than Brexit.

But they have also started engaging with the party and Corbyn’s deputy, Labour’s finance policy advisor John McDonnell, took his message that capitalism was living on borrowed time to the global elite at the World Economic Forum in Davos this year.

Any deep mutual understand­ing looks far off for now.

TheCityUK, Britain’s most powerful financial lobby, was quick to remind Labour of what the sector brought to the country, not only to London. It said it had created 2.2 million jobs outside the capital and paid more than £87 billion in tax towards funding public services. – Reuters

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