The Citizen (Gauteng)

Politician­s under the microscope


Tests on whether the lifestyles of politician­s and public offi - cials in South Africa match their incomes are set to become the norm, President Cyril Ramaphosa said yesterday , starting with himself and members of his Cabinet.

“If there ever has been anything that many South Africans would like to have line and sight of, it is the lifestyle audits of their public representa­tives. That is something that we have to do and this will be done, starting with the executive of the country,” Ramaphosa said in parliament in reply to the debate on his maiden State of the Nation address.

“I am heartened ... the highest echelons of police will also go through lifestyle audits. Now that is positive.”

In 2016, the ruling African National Congress national executive committ ee said lifestyle audits would be carried out on ministers, government offi cials and those in charge of public enterprise­s in a bid to tackle allegation­s that it was failing to act against those accused of corruption within its own ranks.

Since then, there’s been no word on whether a single audit has been carried out.

Ramaphosa yesterday also responded to calls from opposition benches that he fi re members of the Cabinet he inherited from predecesso­r Jacob Zuma.

A number of Cabinet ministers have been implicated in the looting of state resources by families close to Zuma.

The president said if there was a Cabinet reshuffl e, it wouldn’t be done at the behest of the opposition.

“An announceme­nt will be made at an appropriat­e time. This matt er will be addressed and I can assure you when it is addressed, it will be addressed very carefully, without any noisy interventi­on,” said Ramaphosa. – ANA

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