The Citizen (Gauteng)

Warning over terror attacks in SA

- – ANA

Terrorists linked to the Islamic State (IS) are likely to try and carry out attacks in South Africa, according to foreign travel advice updated on the United Kingdom government website.

In the alert, the UK government sourced the main threat from extremists linked to Daesh, also known as Isis, formerly known as Isil.

The “terrorism” section was updated this week after two South African-British nationals were reportedly kidnapped in Vryheid in KwaZulu-Natal earlier this month in a case with alleged links to terrorism.

The statement, citing news reports, suggest that a number of South African nationals have travelled to Syria, Iraq and Libya and are likely to pose a security threat on their return.

“There’s also a threat from individual­s who may have been inspired by terrorist groups, including Daesh, to carry out so-called ‘lone actor’ attacks targeting public places, including where foreigners may gather.”

The UK government warns that attacks could be indiscrimi­nate, and at places visited by foreigners such as shopping areas in major cities.

“South African authoritie­s have successful­ly disrupted several planned attacks and made a number of arrests related to terrorism offences, including alleged plots to attack Jewish targets and western diplomatic missions,” the statement said.

“South African authoritie­s have also been effective against right-wing extremists.”

Earlier this week, Hawks spokespers­on Captain Lloyd Ramovha was quoted as saying that two suspects had been identified in the KwaZulu-Natal kidnapping case.

Sayfydeen Aslam Del Vecchio, 38, and Fatima Patel, 27 were arrested and face charges which include kidnapping.

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