The Citizen (Gauteng)

Mujuru rejoices as she joins opposition coalition MDC Alliance


Former Zimbabwean vice-president and leader of the opposition National People’s Party, Joice Mujuru, has announced her decision to join the MDC (Movement for Democratic Change) Alliance.

“Be ready, be excited, we are joining the MDC Alliance,” she announced on her Facebook page on Wednesday.

MDC Alliance is a grouping of opposition forces committed to bringing to an end Zanu-PF’s 38-year old grip on power.

Mujuru said her decision to join the MDC Alliance was in honour of the late MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai’s commitment to the struggle for democracy.

“Let’s do this for Morgan Tsvangirai. Gore rino, rino iri, rino chairo (this year, this very year) Ngwena and Zanu PF will go,” Mujuru added.

Ngwena [Crocodile] is President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s moniker, mainly used by his supporters.

Addressing mourners gathered to bid Tsvangirai farewell, Mujuru, who heads People’s Rainbow Coalition, another grouping of opposition parties set to challenge Mnangagwa and Zanu-PF, said: “We acknowledg­e the war that you fought Mr Tsvangirai, and I have accepted that we should work together to fulfil your dream. As opposition parties, we will honour your pledge.”

Tsvangirai, who succumbed to cancer last week, had unsuccessf­ully tried to get Mujuru to join the MDC Alliance. Her argument was that the amalgamati­on of opposition parties must not use the name of one political party – in particular MDC.

In Buhera, while addressing mourners, MDC-T interim president Nelson Chamisa prodded Mujuru to join hands with other opposition parties, as they work on forming a formidable movement to challenge Zanu-PF at the polls later this year. – ANA

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