The Citizen (Gauteng)





1. Cast pay a rental to retain theatre’s last box (7,4) 9. Artisan trained to be a singer (7) 10. Trump on horseback at men-only evening primarily (7) 11. Some fragments or pieces (3) 12. China must ask about this retro Japanese pottery (7) 13. Admit to following Greek adult (5-2) 14. Cut fruit that’s small, round and green (3) 15. Secretary crosses a street to obtain food (5) 17. Record series of recent eruptions (5) 18. Morecambe area plant (5) 20. Staunch Liberal put nothing back (5) 22. Poor actor in play let off (3) 24. Checked fabric, leaving without old 22 (7) 25. After a short month bed yields fruit (7) 26. Broadcast tune (3) 27. Amazingly gracile but sluggish mover (7) 28. Nearly see large hooligan empty shop (4,3) 29. Where to wash up all you can think of, except this? (7,4)


1. Track up mountain damaged colon perhaps (11,4) 2. Bridge contract is not behind (2-5) 3. Monk protects trainee wool supplier (5) 4. Miss only guy prepared to secure promotion (5,4) 5. Bring back surplus Scandinavi­an money (7) 6. It could be a long hectic task, competing thus (7,3,5) 7. States record about leaders of Soviet Union is exhausting (4,2) 8. Zoo worker who patrols 1 Across? (6) 16. Old sailor defaces hotel in coastal area (4,5) 18. Employ new joke in middle of speech (6) 19. He doesn’t believe that he is taking part in this (7) 21. Rock singer left two lots of foreign cash (7) 23. Change English jazz pianist’s upright (6) 25. A lad hides ringleader’s crime (5)

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