The Citizen (Gauteng)

Time to get tough


Easter has come and gone and surprising­ly something was left behind. Yes, that good spiritual feeling inside you, but more disconcert­ing are those love handles and enlarged bum that may confuse your kids by thinking you are the Easter Bunny.

All is not lost and you are not alone, because during festive times it’s hard not to conform, have a laugh with family and gnaw on a delicious milk chocolate. It is what you do afterwards that determines whether it stays on you, or you get rid of it fast.

By now you are well-versed in knowing that nothing tears up fat faster than high-intensity interval training. So make sure you book in a few extra sessions this week and consider two 45- minute HIIT for the Easter eggs you ate. Let’s just hope it wasn’t the whole box, if so, then ask the gym if you can sleep over.

Jokes aside, when consuming more calories, you need to reduce your calorie intake by not starving but reducing your sugars and carbs. At the same time the goal would be to increase your training for this short period of time. If you can maintain it then great, you will be looking sexier by summer but try more for a routine you can handle and by this I am referring back to your success framework. Over the course of the year I will be helping you to build your success framework which you can follow, or tweak and own. Today I am going to focus on the very first part of your day. As you open your eyes the first Success block would be to start stretching in bed. I know this does sound weird but see this as warming your car up on a cold winter’s morning. You are increasing movement, blood flow and range of motion. At the same time make sure you are going over your daily routine which you planned the night before. More on that in a later article.

OK, so part of Success Block 1a is to stretch and increase mobility in bed. Block 1b is to roll off the bed and perform your exercise core Essentials. I am not concerned whether you start gym at 5am, or have an early meeting, or that the world is coming to an end. Start the day, no matter what, with your core essentials.

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