The Citizen (Gauteng)

Safa’s NEC has a big dilemma


Sy Lerman

It looms as an unenviable problem for Safa’s national executive committee when it converges shortly to decide whether to support the three-pronged American conglomera­te of the United States, Mexico and Canada or Morocco in the bid to stage a reformed 48-nation World Cup in 2026.

Judging by recent pronouncem­ents, it’s a case of who to follow – Safa’s own dominant and persuasive president, Danny Jordaan, or government sources, no less.

After US President Donald Trump in typical fashion not only inserted a political element into the 2026 World Cup race that conflicted with Fifa’s regulation­s, and trumpeted veiled threats of reprisals to those nations who do not vote in favour of the joint US-Mexico-Canada enterprise.

Not to be outdone, government officials here came out with the assertion that South Africa should not support Morocco because of political difference­s with the North African nation apparently unrelated to football.

But, going back a mere couple of weeks, Jordaan made his views on the issue quite clear by throwing his lot wholeheart­edly behind the Morocco bid.

Safa, however, then added to the murky waters of confusion by releasing a statement to the effect that no decision had yet been taken regarding whether to support Morocco or the three-nation American bid for the 2026 World Cup.

And the NEC will now ostensibly take a calculated decision on who to support when Fifa’s congress decide on the 2026 hosting during next month’s World Cup extravagan­za in Russia.

The dilemma, of course, is that Jordaan, who is generally considered to have omnipotent control on the activities of Safa, had already declared that South Africa would support Morocco as a fellow-African nation – adding how well South Africa had staged the World Cup in 2010.

Previously, with its strong financial clout and a maze of topclass facilities already available, the combined bid from the United States, Canada and Mexico was initially considered odds-on favourite for 2026.

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