The Citizen (Gauteng)

Africans of all colours unite


It has been 60 years since Africa began throwing off colonialis­m’s yoke and, on Africa Day yesterday, it was time to reflect on where this continent of one billion people has come from and where it is going. Colonialis­m raped and abused Africa – of that there is no doubt. One only has to consider the evils in what was then known as the Belgian Congo (now the Democratic Republic of the Congo) under Belgian King Leopold to know that African life was always considered cheap.

African labour built this part of the Empire for Britain and helped lay the foundation­s for the almighty nation which the United States has become.

Colonialis­m exploited not only the people of the continent, but also its rich natural resources.

With that in mind, it is sad to think that there is still huge unrealised potential on this continent ... and that this is in large part due to the men (and they have almost always been men) who have ruled us, abused us and stolen from us since we were given our freedom.

Africa has suffered countless coups, wars and famines and has the reputation for being the continent of suffering. Much of that grief has been as the result of greed, corruption and mismanagem­ent.

And, on a day like Africa Day, we have those in this country who propagate the poisonous view that only black – African black – people can truly call themselves Africans. There are many, many white and other nonblack African people who are generation­s, and centuries, removed from their ethnic origins abroad.

They have as much right to a say in what happens on the continent as does anyone else. They have as much right to contribute as anyone else.

When we all pull together as Africans, of all colours, we will stun the world.

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